Most Annoying Things TheTopTens Users Do

The Top Ten
They criticize your lists just because they don't like that list

I think you're a nice user, but people are allowed to express their opinions on this site. If it goes to people insulting YOU personally, and not your list, that is when it becomes unacceptable and can spread to cyberbullying. About your list "Reasons to hate Rosalina" What you need to do is find true facts to back up your opinion. Some of your facts are (no offense) not true. I get why you had put them down, because you really hated rosalina(yes I've written fake peach hater facts in my notebook before that arn't true, everyone has done it don't worry ok;)) but the facts that aren't true is the reason people are bashing this list.

I like your lists, they are funny and have made me laugh ;D

They thumbs down your comment just because it has a different opinion from yours

I downvotes comments. But I explain why I downvoted them. But unfortunately some of my replies don't appear. And as far as I can tell there is/are some users who are downvoting some of my comments for no reasons. He/She/They like to do it.

What do you think the button's purpose is, bro?

Thankfully, thumbs downs are hardly noticeable.

They add things that don't belong or have no involvement with your list

Sometimes on factual lists, there comes a factual error in one of the items.

SpongeBob season 10 episode list...

They make stupid comments

Guilty as charged. I've added more than my fair share of stupid comments. But I like stupid. I can DO stupid! ;P

I do my research and my facts before I make a comment.

They act like they are the best people in the world
They think they are popular users when they get one vote on their lists a week

It's like waking up in the morning with a bowl of breakfast in your hands and throwing it on the ground. "I'm so awesome" but no ya not

Like me. If I'm lucky, I'll get 8 votes. I know I'm not popular on the web or in real life (you can probably see why).

I sometimes have a time of having no votes in a week. And that happened for months.

They get angry because you don't like their favorite celebrity
They steal ideas from other users

When I was in the middle of my "animals beginning with series" I had finished H. I was gonna do I the next day, but then someone (I won't give the name) swoops in and does s and t! It sickens me. The least they could've done was ask for permission.

This happened to me when I was making some legendary Pokemon lists. I made on about the best Flying type legendary Pokemon and I was going to make the next one about the best Dragon type legendary Pokemon. I logged off for 30 minutes and when I got back on, someone else had made the list. Even as I was working my way up to it. :(

They make lists criticizing other users

I haven't seen any lists that have been criticizing others user, it is either they are not common or I am just overlooking everything.

I don't think your allowed to make these anymore.

They put Justin Bieber on every list

I hate when people do this. I feel like whoever keeps doing this is under like, 13 or 12.

Call it annoying, but that won't stop.

Your friends at school are the ones who made JB popular, and keep JB popular.

The Newcomers

? They delete their accounts when they "retire"
The Contenders
They make lists criticizing countries/races

Like the "Worst Countries to live in" list.

They put Jackie Evancho above hundreds of better artists

Good music artists are those who sing better, compose their own songs, those who write their own songs. People who really in music will probably know the essence of music.

They bash shows for toddlers on every list, even made lists
They vote for someone/thing on a worst list thinking its a best list

I actually did this once...
The "Best" and "Worst" versions of the same list were right next to each other, so I accidentally clicked the "Worst" one and voted for the thing I thought was the best.

Like when someone says he is really awesome on a list of worst rappers of all time. Making it obvious they voted for them.

They make lists about themselves which no one else would be interested in
"Why isn't this Number One?"
They make useless lists just to increase their lists count
They cry like babies just because someone doesn't put enough "Effort" Into their lists

No, that's not called being a crybaby, that's constructive criticism.

They obsess outrageously over their favorite characters

It doesn't even have to be a "ways to kill" list or even a "things to throw at" list; it can merely be a "reasons to hate" or "reasons why (character) is overrated" and they'll still get mad and butthurt.

And gets mad and butthurt when someone makes a list of ways to kill them.

They Care About Britgirl and No One Else
They ask for it to be deleted from the list if they disagree with it.
They put Magikarp on every Pokémon list
They troll
They talk crap about indie games
They spread lies about any who disagree with them
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