Top Ten Ways to Annoy Certain Users of TheTopTens
I made these all up with my own mind, some with a little inspiration.This will insult him! He will get really mad at you I'm serious! I hope no one says this to him!
Can I be on with "Praising Aaron Rodgers"?
I don't know what breadwinners is, but total drama totally sucks. I'm not angry on the element itself but over the fact something outplaced is sharing the element with me! Everyone put your claws away from my girlfriend!
I totally hate this element since it somehow implies I share my girlfriend. You know what, Turkeyasylum? Total Drama is worse than Uncle Grandpa! And Breadwinners is the best show evah!
I Wonder... What would happen if this turned to a dating site...
I will go nuts when someone says this to me too.
Anyone saying this in front of me are probably digging their graves.
Oh god. I'll go nuts if I heard Stupid Hoe, Sweatshirt, Gucci Gang, and It's Everyday Bro.
Oh no! Why didn't it win any grammies? It should have won like 4 by now!
Extreme sarcasm if you can't tell.
If you force me to watch SpongeBob...
I can get, erm, annoyed by this too. Not too annoyed, but I guess...miffed.
That would annoy me. If I was forced to join I'd Kill em all like the Metallica album.If one of my best friends joined it I actually think I would cry.Pokemon rules over all RPG no questions asked I love Pokemon play it competitively was top 12 in my Us state in quizup in name that Pokemon last month (May 2015)
I just looked it up and it said that they hate both Nintendo and Pokemon. Now I hate PETA.
Why would somebody want me to do this?
I have a friend who likes Maroon 5, and saying this would annoy the hell outta him!
Maroon 5 is the second best band ever.
Breadwinners is the worst Nickelodeon cartoon I've ever seen.
Eminem is awesome and Disney sucks. Enough said.
Eminem is awesome and Disney sucks.
The Newcomers
I can handle a lot, but this...
I suggest you to don't do it, I dare you
This would be something of an ordeal just to annoy PositronWildhawk.
Wow. Just for liking Beyonce? Not everyone likes the same genre or singer. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
Beyonce is the best female singer. I would be annoyed too if someone told me that.
This would annoy ALL users other than that one girl. Whatever her name was.
He would not like it in the slightest bit.
I don't hate the rumor with a passion, but I'm not fond of it.
Can we forget I added this? I know I love 1-4 and find 5-9 mediocre but I can respect opinions(though I may question your animation tastes).