Top Ten Best Total Drama Action Campers

The Top Ten
Heather Heather was a camper and the main antagonist of Total Drama Island as a member of the Screaming Gophers. She later returned as a cast member in Total Drama Action on the Screaming Gaffers, and was one of the finalists in Total Drama World Tour representing Team Amazon.

She was cunning, deceitful, manipulative, and incredibly intelligent. She basically controlled the entire game! She could easily influence your emotions or thoughts, making you do whatever she desired. She was stunningly beautiful and intensely attractive. She used manipulation as a tool, allowing her to fight through incredibly hard challenges. Overall, she was one of the best characters and antagonists in the entire series!
-Star Lord Out

I love Heather! She was bald, yet still the sexiest and hottest girl on that season. Take that, Heather haters.


Even though Courtney can be aggressive, she is still an independent, strong, and intelligent girl. To be honest, I'd rather she dated Scott than Duncan because Scott would not cheat on her.

Courtney is so annoying. In fact, she is my least favorite Total Drama character. Regardless, she is still one of the strongest competitors.

Courtney is the best player on this show!

She and Duncan are the hottest couple, and she knows what she wants and does whatever she can to get it. Miss CIT is back!


Extremely proficient and a very well-fleshed-out character! He has an arsenal of numerous skills, allowing him to compete in any task and win! His bad-boy personality definitely intrigues me, and he has a soft side hidden under a thick shell.

His criminal past and humorous puns really engage me in TD!
-Star Lord Out

I am not in the majority opinion of loving Duncan. I don't hate him, but I was not rooting for him and was upset each time he barely escaped getting voted off.

This guy is a beast! On every Total Drama list I've seen, he is number one, so let's keep it that way.


This season shows that he's not as much of a Mr. Nice Guy as people say he is.


Bridgette is the best surfer ever! I love her attitude, the way she is so down-to-earth and natural, and her relationship with Geoff is really perfect.

I hated to see her go so early - I don't think kissing your boyfriend should get you eliminated so quickly.

Bridgette is the best out of all the campers. She is chill, she is cool, and she is my favorite character. She is the best, that is all.


She really deserved to win this season! She got so close to the end, and she completely deserved to win!

To this day, I'm still mad she didn't win or even make the Top 5 (though she would have if Owen hadn't returned).

I feel Lindsay should be number one. Every character above her, except for Heather, was ruined!


Harold deserves to be on this list. I support him because I can relate to him, especially since I was mistreated for being a nerd by more than one bully in school.

So, I'm glad that he punched Duncan. It serves that delinquent right for everything he put Harold through.

Best character by far in the series as a whole.


Trent is the best. I love hearing him sing, and his obsession with the number nine is hilarious. He shouldn't have been eliminated so early. He was being a good boyfriend to Gwen and got dumped for it. It's really unfair - Gwen doesn't deserve Trent.

He deserves someone who loves him just as much as he loves them. Go Trent! Team Trent forever.

Trent needs more screen time, in my opinion. He is the most caring guy on the show, and he shouldn't have been booted out because of what some girl said in Total Drama Action.


Trent had lots of fans after Island, but after he broke up with Gwen, he became disliked.


People are all mad, saying Gwen broke Trent's heart. Trent was the one who pushed Gwen away, and you could tell she liked Duncan a lot more than she did Trent. Gwen was the best competitor in TDA and by far the coolest.

Yes, she could have handled things differently, but her relationship is her business, and she did what she felt was right in her heart.

Gwen lost some of my respect when she broke Trent's heart and dumped the poor guy. He was a stud.

But nonetheless, she's still my favorite character in TDA.


I loved when he was using his mama's spice to make the nasty food taste good! I want to see more of him with his pet bunny. They are cute together.

I loved how, when DJ made the food, it went from disgusting to a gourmet dish!

The Newcomers

? Noah
? Dawn

Dawn makes everything better.

The Contenders

He is great - he's really handsome, and the show wouldn't be as good without him. He also has a very good strategy.

He's very charming, and he made it really far, finishing in 6th place. He also knows how to play the game.

Justin had a bigger role this season, which I liked. He's fun to watch, and it's cute how all the guys drool over him. I also like his hair - he really is a nice-looking guy.

Justin was adorable when he was crushing on Courtney in "The Princess Pride." It shows that he can feel something for someone other than himself. He's really good-looking!


Leshawna is big, beautiful, and bootylicious! You go, girl - you made TDA worthwhile.

Gotta love LeShawna's dance moves.


I loved Beth in this season! She is so cute with her braces off!


Even though he never competed in Total Drama Action, I think Cody is amazing. I don't see how Cody has feelings for Gwen, though. She's never nice to him. Not that I hate her - Gwen's nice - but I think she likes either Duncan or Trent more than Cody.

I wish he was a contestant on Total Drama Action and had won the money.


Katie was so adorable, fun, and girly. I love the way she is boy-crazy, while Sierra is straight-up crazy.


Eva deserved more recognition in this than she actually got. I'm tired of seeing her sit on the sidelines. Let her compete in another season already!


I knew Sierra was going to be the best Total Drama character ever the first time I saw her.


Come on, he's hot! He would've been on TDA if it wasn't for Chris putting him on Total Drama Dirtbags (a show that never aired on national television). He's tall, handsome, and smart.

He and Heather are the perfect couple!

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