Best Total Drama World Tour Songs

The Top Ten
This is How We Will End It

Do I even need to explain? I think this entire fan page is just a bunch of Aleheather shippers. If you don't ship this, you're going to die in a hole (pun intended).

Also, this song is just a bop. What's not to love?

Alejandro and Heather are the best singers in World Tour, besides Bridgette and Courtney.

I just love their voices, especially in this song. It's just so good.

I love this song! They sing wonderfully. Alejandro and Heather both show their feelings for each other, and it's just awesome!

I'm Gonna Make It

I loved Alejandro's and Heather's little duets that depict their relationship. And how Cody sang with Sierra about how he was an underdog and got this far in the game.

Wow. I just love this song. I don't know why I love it so much, but I'm practically addicted to it.

And Courtney's high note at the start? Amazing.

So epic! This is great because of the intensity and depth. You should totally watch the music video on YouTube!

Come Fly with Us

I love Harold's and Duncan's parts the best. Courtney, Ezekiel, Bridgette, Duncan, and Heather have such good singing voices! Cody's would have been better if he was louder.

I love this song. I used to hear my siblings singing this!

And I love the part when Noah says, "Come fly with us, come die with us." It's so good.

This song is the best! My favorite part was Bridgette singing, "All contestants must sing in each show."

Boyfriend Kisser

My best friend and I belted out this song in 4th grade on the playground. It's really catchy.

My favorite song is We Built Gwen's Face, and the reason this song isn't my favorite is because I absolutely hate Courtney. She is so bossy, and Gwen did not deserve this.

This song is amazing. I never liked the scenes of Gwen getting hit with big rocks because I like Gwen, but I like the rest.

Ever since I heard this, I knew Gwen would get what's coming to her, even if it's the last thing Courtney ever does.

I love this song! Except for Gwen getting hurt, because she's the best character and did not deserve that.

Other than that, I loved the song.

We Built Gwen's Face

Best song in the history of TD. It's funny, and I love their costumes. Heather, Sierra, Courtney, Duncan, Alejandro, and Owen. Thank you for the best song in TDWT history!

Oh, this is my favorite song! I could listen to it all day.

Duncan has a surprisingly good voice in this song. The tune is so catchy!

Wow. Out of all the songs, this has to be the funniest. It makes me laugh every time I hear it. I really love this song.

Changing Guard Mix

What a freaking masterpiece. My friends struggle to see how this song came out of a kids' show with the idea of making some random dude go butt naked, but who gives a damn!

I feel like Sierra is a really underrated singer, but Courtney slayed in this song with her massive note at the end!

I love this song because literally every part is interesting and funny. But my favorite part by far is when my favorite character (Courtney) does her solo at the end, where she goes "hoooooooosst" just with more rhythm.

The fact that most of the singers here are really good makes this song even better. Examples: Courtney, Heather, and Noah.

I'm Sorry

Bridgette has the most beautiful voice, along with Courtney, Cody, and Zeke. This song sounded so amazing! I totally ship Geoff and Bridgette! This should have been way higher.

I think it's so cute and adorable how Bridgette tries to show Geoff how much she loves him and how sorry she is. Bridgette has a beautiful voice.

This song is perfection, in my opinion. Bridgette has such a beautiful voice.

Oh, My Izzy

What an awesome song! It should be up there in the top 5! It's sweet and makes me feel that Owen is more than just a comic relief character. It makes him feel almost as fleshed out as other characters!

Wow. Just wow. I just love this song. I felt sad and sympathetic for Owen, but the way Izzy says goodnight according to this song is just hilarious.

This song perfectly expresses Owen's sorrow after he and Izzy break things off. It was truly moving just to see how much he loved her and how he will always love her.

Who You Gonna Root For?

I loved when Harold started rapping, and any song that has Bridgette singing in it is always a good song.

The only ones winning this are C-O-D, pimping like a king, sipping lemonade in the shade. Kicking in Hawaiian style, gonna take home the cheddar, and we're going to be all smiles, Chody.

Gwen's a boyfriend stealer! Witick woah. Duncan's a dead man! Witick woah. Cut the music!

Heather, because she's the queen and she has been playing hard.


I don't know why this is so low on the list. Each of the four characters has a great solo, and they sound good. Top 5 song overall for me, probably top 2 just based on the sound.

Cody's part was the best! I really love, I've got problems with condors, problems with condors.

I really love this song! I also like when Alejandro goes, I'm tall, I'm tan, I'm young, I'm handsome. Best song overall.

The Newcomers

? A Chinese Lesson

Not one of my favorites, but it's very underrated.

? Shear the Sheep

I love the instruments Team Amazon plays for this song. Heather and Gwen singing into razors is priceless.

Heather is the only reason I like this song!

The Contenders

Best song ever. The best part is when Cody asks who she is, and Blainely pretty much switches bodies with Eva.

This song is amazing. I really like how, at the end, Courtney and Heather go, "She's not so famous."

Why is this so low? It's super catchy and it's one of the best songs!

Stuck to a Pole

This song slays. It's funny, super catchy, and has a great melody and beat.

This song has gotten stuck in my head so many times. It would have been in the top 5 if it were up to me.

The song is super catchy, but I don't like how Alejandro got Bridgette stuck to a pole by pretending to like her.

It's really cool how it's a girl-only song: Team Amazon (without Cody and Sierra) and Bridgette.

Before We Die

If you need to know a bit about the characters, like if you've never heard the song before, this song helps. For example, Sierra says she wants to marry Cody, and Courtney says she wants to become a lawyer.

Plus, it's so funny and upbeat, even though they're falling through the sky.

This song is just amazing. There are so many great parts to it. It also hit very differently in quarantine. This song is great and is one of the best all season.

Lindsay's and Owen's part was the best.

Sea Shanty Mix

I sing this song all the time! It is the best! I even know all the words to it! I love this song!

Alejandro: We're heading down to Newfoundland, that rocky eastern shore!
Owen: I'll have the shrimp, mussels, cod, and the lobster thermidor!
Gwen: I can't get a thing to bite, so we better get there first!
Courtney: Row harder, faster, both of you. For the win, work up a thirst! Stroke, stroke, stroke!
Heather: It's a sea shanty, and it's darn catchy! Yes! Go on, DJ, your turn!
Tyler: Izzy, you're a nut-bar, but you sure can catch a fish!
Izzy: Thanks, there, b'y, you're right kind to my partner. He's Irish. And if you want the next drill, he's all yours!
Sierra and Cody: Trying our best, Courtney, our arms are getting fried!
Gwen: Courtney, do you see?
Courtney: Could it be? Steer hard starboard side!
Heather: It's a sea shanty, and it's darn catchy!
DJ: No, you can't catch me with a sea shanty!

Eine Kleine

Eine Kleine was an overall enjoyable song, and one of the few where something happens (Lindsay remembers Tyler).

I love when Lindsay remembers Tyler.

Lindsay finally remembered Tyler.

Her Real Name Isn't Blaineley

This song is way better than Blainerific. It's catchy, it's hilarious, and it makes fun of Blaineley. What more could you ask for?

This is so underrated! It's catchy as well. I also loved when Geoff told the whole world about Blaineley.

Very funny and pretty catchy. Probably the best song from any of the aftermath episodes.

I'm Winning This

Upbeat sound and funny video. It doesn't really have any context with the episode, though, since it's a pretty random challenge with previously eliminated contestants. Still sounds good.

Courtney's great vocals show the most in this song, and she really carried the whole thing.

Owen and Harold's voices complement hers well.

Courtney's vocals. Just Courtney's vocals.

Save This Show

I love how Geoff and Bridgette's voices blend so well together! It's just overall a cool song!

I saw a backwards version of it, and it was funny.

Paris in the Springtime

Love this song. We can all agree everyone loved Noah and Owen in that one part.

Rowin' Time

Rowin' Time is amazing. Personally, this song is 10 times better than Lovin' Time. I definitely love this song.

This and Lovin' Time are both awesome.


This song. I love the whole thing. I know that somehow Al will pay for messing with everyone. Sisters is amazing, and you can't change my mind.

I love this song! It features my favorite character and goes against Alejandro!


Oh my, where do I begin? This is an amazing finale song, and song in general. The final two arguing, Harold's rap part - this song practically has it all.

This song is extremely catchy. When I listen to this song, I replay it like 50 times.

My personal favorite. It's a great way to make a finale more intense.

Lovin' Time

This song is one of my favorites. Surprised it's so low on the list.

This is the most underrated song of all.


I love rapping Harold! And I love when Trent and Justin magically came in!

I can't stop singing this song in my head! So addictive!

I love when Harold comes to rap with Trent and Justin!

What's Not to Love

The reason it's not my favorite is because it's so short. But don't get me wrong, this song rocks! (It should be way higher.)

Lindsay's and Noah's part was the best! Courtney had nice vocals too.

New York rocks, and what's not to love about this song?

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