Top Ten Total Drama Episodes
I saw a list for each season, but what about the whole series?
The episode was arguably one of the funniest and most memorable. I couldn't stop laughing at the montage of challenges. Plus, we'll never forget when Heather finally gets what she deserves.
I love truth or dare, and this was just a funnier version. Plus, it was Total Drama! Even better!
This was incredibly funny! Heather was finally eliminated! All the dares...
This one is my most favorite TD episode. I loved the Alejandro and Heather part.
I LOVE how there was so much Duncney in this episode! AMAZING! Also, Courtney did not screw up her team! And, by the way, even if she did (which she didn't), she showed she was guilty and regretful afterward.
Courtney did not screw up her team.
Is it bad that I'm happy Josee got eliminated, but not happy that Jacques did?
The greatest finale in Total Drama history!
It's cool that there are multiple old characters hidden like Anne Maria, Chris, Blaineley, and Ezekiel.

I loved this episode. It was funny. I am not a big horror movie fan, but I enjoyed what this episode tried to do.
Duncan vs. the fake killer (Chef) was my favorite part.
I love the look on everyone's faces, and then Duncan's when he realizes his story was real!

Love this episode. LeShawna's elimination is extremely unfair but funny at the same time.
The Newcomers
I found it funny that MK had to fight a bear, and I was glad Damian won immunity.

Is it bad that I like that Courtney gets kicked off for backstabbing her friends and Scott, her boyfriend?
CMTDARS is just... HILARIOUS! I loved Sierra's debut, and Josh and Blaineley were quite funny as well. The plot was pulled off well, and the episode was fabulous because it's actually quite realistic. We all thought the show might end, and it was basically a catch-up at first, which turned into season three.
Best part: GEOFF ISN'T IN IT!
I agree that Scarlett needed more screen time, but THIS was insane. I didn't like how it was a fake island. One of the worst parts is when Max gets eliminated.
There were some good parts, though. I liked how the contestants teamed up to stop Scarlett. I also thought it was cool when Max used a fake robot to get into Scarlett's lair. After that, Sugar flies in and captures Scarlett. 6.5/10.
This episode had its ups and downs. I like how all the contestants teamed up to take down Scarlett. Also, Max proved he was the ultimate evil by tricking Scarlett.
Max getting eliminated in this episode was dumb, but they needed an episode that eliminated two people.
This is one of my absolute favorites.
My favorite Total Drama episode!

This was the first episode I ever watched all the way through, and it made Duncan my favorite character from the OG cast.
This was a really funny episode, especially because most of the boys got hit you know where.

Everyone hates this episode because of how Mike cured himself of his MPD. Obviously, it was fictional, as nobody was or can EVER be cured of something like that by pushing a button. Remember how Sanders came away with ONLY a broken arm after literally dropping 7 miles? I don't remember anyone complaining that she could have died.
I also remember TDR Owen falling into lava and getting crushed by several boulders, yet he survives? Come on, guys, find something real to complain about.
Honestly, this episode is super controversial due to its unrealism. Not only does MPD not get solved at the push of a button, but also, if it's a reality TV show, then how are they able to see inside Mike's mind?
Then again, it's all a cartoon, and the episode WAS very good.
Normally, I would hate for Courtney to get kicked, but after watching Courtney take charge of everything, as well as fighting with everyone else, I enjoyed it.
It's a good episode all around. They made both endings feel bittersweet. The Lightning ending had Lightning's dad refusing to give up his most prized possession, and Cameron gets some development. However, Lightning doesn't share the money, which is fine unless you see the Cameron ending, where Cameron gets good development, and the money is shared, but Lightning's dad loses his prized possession.
I must admit, this was the 3rd best Total Drama finale ever. 1. Total Drama All-Stars finale. 2. Ridonculous Race finale. I was super glad that Lightning won. I was delighted by how the producers made Lightning win without making Cameron fans mad.
Jo was funny. I'm still rooting for Cameron to win a season.