Top 10 Worst Total Drama Eliminations
LeShawna never has fair eliminations. First, the losers' mention of her name counts as a vote. Second, Harold had an easy task to vote out Duncan, but Cutthroat Courtney got to him. Thirdly, Alejandro took advantage of her, even though Heather was being honest.
LeShawna was a powerhouse and a great character, and this elimination was awful because of that. If Heather or Owen were eliminated instead of LeShawna, I would be happy. But that didn't happen.
She could have won that season, but the peanut gallery was so stupid that they voted her off. I thought Heather was going home, and it would have been funny seeing her go home in that episode.
I'm not sure how all of the other campers were gullible enough to fall for Scott's trick. It wasn't even clever.
He just came in with a bag, accusing Dawn of theft, which clearly wasn't true. They didn't have any proof at all that it was her.
Sure, Dawn's elimination is a little sad, but it's not bad enough to be #1. Dawn is a good character but a bit overrated.
Come on! She was stuffed into a trash bag RIGHT BEFORE she could reveal Scott's true nature to her teammates!
Alright, Chris did NOT have proof that Ella sang. The note just said that Ella sang and that's it, no evidence to support it! Also, I wish we could have seen Ella stand up to Sugar. I also kind of wanted Ella to win this season, so this might be a little bit biased.
Ella couldn't get revenge for two reasons. One, she was too nice. Two, Chris would have kicked her off because he prefers Sugar. The bastard can't appreciate a good singer.
Ella would have stayed longer if it weren't for Sugar kicking her out. Ella should've spurred revenge on Sugar sooner.
Noah actually had potential to get far this season. He was good comic relief, and he knew Alejandro was bad news. But nope, he just got eliminated way too early. I know this is pretty much beating a dead horse at this point, but the challenge was to capture Jack the Ripper. Noah's team did that, but they still lost! Duncan shouldn't even have gotten permission to vote since he was still eliminated during the challenge.
Noah could have at least returned in the merge, but sadly Blaineley had to take his spot, and she barely did anything. Noah should have returned so he could expose Alejandro or form an alliance with Heather since they both didn't trust Alejandro. Also, why did Duncan even vote for Noah?
Noah being my favorite character isn't the only reason I think this elimination is bad. He generally deserved to stay because he got out early in Island, didn't compete in Action, so he should have merged in this season over Owen or Duncan. They already merged in Season 1 and 2 and were finalists! As I said before, he actually had potential, unlike certain characters like Sierra, who was only there to pine for Cody, or Blaineley, who I already explained barely made an impact.
He would have been a better merge competitor than Owen. Not just because Owen was already a finalist and merged every other time, but because even though Owen didn't trust Alejandro anymore, he had no relevance to the plot. And this is coming from someone who likes Owen! So yeah, I don't like Noah's elimination because of how unfair it was and how he should have gone further. But hey, at least he gets further in Ridonculous Race.
In TDA, Beth shouldn't have looked at Lindsay like that. I HATE the fact that Duncan did not get eliminated. Did he have to win the million? I wanted Harold to. And it is even more stupid in TDAS when Courtney should have gotten eliminated for making Lindsay have to move the carriage. Courtney had to get out of the carriage earlier anyways.
F-U, Duncan! You have no right to laugh at Lindsay's mistake. Sure, she was intended to be the finalist, but since her actress had other plans, they put Beth in Lindsay's place and gave Lindsay a BS elimination.
At least Lindsay cussing at Heather was so therapeutic. But this is made even dumber by the fact that in Sky Fall, Jasmine never crossed the line, so Sugar was last to cross the line.
Anyhoo, the challenge was so poorly constructed. LeShawna and Izzy skipped the challenge! And what was the point of having everyone race for immunity if the last one in that race is eliminated? The campers who made worse bikes literally got immunity. That is so unfair.
It kills me how this girl can't catch a break. TDI made crossing the finish line pointless, but I was happy she badmouthed Heather. Her World Tour elimination is something I hate. DJ wanted to go home, he didn't try to win, but of course, Lindsay goes home.
My gosh, did Chris even know that Gwen was allergic to eucalyptus plants? I was horrified by the allergic reaction she had, and I even cried during her elimination. The scene where Gwen swells up due to her allergy to eucalyptus keeps me up at night.
It feels wrong eliminating her because she has an allergy. The worst part was that she got pushed out of an airplane.
Wait, did Chris know she was allergic to eucalyptus?
Sammy was a decent character, and he got kicked off because he said a sentence that included evil in it. If you watch episode 10, you will understand what I'm saying.
What was the point of making her and Jasmine friends if she got out so early? And why the hell did they make Amy come back?
I used to think that the TDPI finale would be "girl vs. girl" instead of TDROTI. I REALLY wanted to see a finale between Amy and Sammy.
In all honesty, if Courtney was to be eliminated around this time in the competition, just have her do poorly in X-Treme Torture and have Harold get eliminated in Basic Straining. It makes sense. But they have this happen instead, which was terribly thought out by the writers.
Granted, Basic Straining is still my favorite episode, and Harold got eliminated in the next episode, but it could've been a win-win situation. Couldn't Chris disqualify Harold for trying to rig the votes? And if Harold was pissed off at Duncan, why not rig the votes against him?
Anyways, it was also pretty clear that Harold would get eliminated soon because no one would let him win after rigging the votes.
This is an elimination I loathe. The four guys (even Geoff) voted Bridgette off because the girls could work with each other. And this is why Geoff is a terrible boyfriend: he lied to Bridgette and said he didn't vote her off! This turned him from a great character to just plain unlikeable.
Okay, why Duncan? Why?! You are jealous of her, and she is my favorite character! "She's nice to everybody, good at sports, blah blah blah," so what do you do? You get a male alliance to vote her off! I don't know if this is the first or second most unfair elimination because she is my favorite character!
The Newcomers
His Season 1 elimination was justified, but this one felt so forced just to get him out first again. Poor guy was just trying to help his team, which didn't even like him.
Scott was acting smart here because if he kept Mike, Mike would have teamed up with Zoey and Cameron. Also, Mike is a threat.
I know why Mike was kicked. Scott knew if he didn't eliminate him, Mike, Cameron, and Zoey would gang up on him.
Zoey's worst nightmare is to be eliminated by a jock, and that happened.
Worst elimination. It sucked big time.
It definitely should have been Lightning. Zoey would have made for a much better finale.
That's why he started dating someone else. It was said he dated an unknown fan and told Justin to text a breakup to her after he was done with his. TRENT is OVER love. Gwen chose friends over love too! So if you want to cosplay as her, do not make her have a big crush! She even said herself she does not want to date anymore.
This was just straight-up unfair. He got along with everyone so well until stupid LeShawna assumed he was cheating on Gwen with Heather and told everyone to vote him off. He was my favorite character, and even if he wasn't, he still should have made it further.
If I were the Screaming Gophers, I would keep him around. He may be useless, but if you lose and have to vote someone off, Cody is right there to take the vote if no one else is to blame. I'm a Cody fan, and this would help with getting him more episodes.
Give the man some slack! Heather should've gone out, but Cody? That's just not good for the poor dude.
I felt bad for Cody in this episode. He's too adorable to be mauled by a bear. I was seriously crying during his elimination.
The reasoning behind this elimination is so stupid. Everyone hated Heather, and they knew her tricks at this point, but somehow, it's Geoff's fault. The writers might as well have made a challenge that is a race, and whoever doesn't cross the finish line is automatically eliminated. Geoff would lose that one.
Who makes someone go away because they are too nice and chill? How stupid this whole thing was! And to make matters worse, Gwen voted herself, which is why she's a good friend to everyone. I wouldn't be as chill as Geoff if my friends voted me out for something as stupid and dumb as this! Like what, Duncan?
The writers were so lazy with Courtney's elimination. It was obvious she was going to go sooner or later, but the writing was so offensively lazy to the longtime watchers of this show. They just made Courtney have a very awful plan in one clip in one episode, and then for no explained reason Mal found it, and that got Courtney voted off. Talk about lazy writing and destroying any character development.
This should've been how it went: Mal reveals Gwen's diary, which gets her out. Zoey and Mike fix up in the next episode and get eliminated for not turning up in time or whatever. Courtney and Scott finale, yay!
Courtney: Gwen (they finally become friends for real) and Duncan (seriously, we need them all to be friends now)
Scott: Alejandro and Heather (same as actual TDAS)
The season would've been so much better.
I feel like someone (particularly Dawn) should've realized what was up. A big issue with Total Drama is how obvious most of the villains are.
B was so close to winning for the Toxic Rats! They could have finally gotten a win. But nope, Scott had to sabotage his plan and blame it on B. He even told everyone to vote B off! And everyone obeyed him! Go your own paths, guys! What a jerk!
Voted off because he can't speak?! I can't believe this. Scott framed him well.
OMG! 3:10 to Crazytown was the worst Total Drama episode because of bad things happening to Gwen. Things went from bad to worse from there, including that scene where they made Gwen watch her ex get eliminated.
Well, Trent did deserve it for causing problems for Gwen, but he shouldn't be out!
Trent was amazing. Too bad he got out. I don't blame Gwen for this, though.
I don't get this. Unlike Scott, Gwen brought something back.
Chris really had a big factor in people getting eliminated in All Stars, and I didn't like how he did it. For those that I remember, he had Duncan eliminated and sent to jail, and he also changed a challenge last minute in which Courtney would have won if he didn't.
I did not like Chris this season at all.
All-Stars is my least favorite season, and the worst part is the characters and how predictable it is. Gwen in All-Stars did not feel like the original Gwen from the first season, and it was so predictable to see Gwen go.
Does it even need to be here? I thought it went without saying that this was the worst TDRR elimination.
Noah was distracted by Emma. They probably would have made it if the Nemma nonsense wasn't forced. Hell, Noah and Owen probably would have won that season.
They should have lasted much longer in the game!
Scott blackmailed him over the course of the day and just dumped him at the end!
I hated his elimination, but my friend, you're talking about the wrong season.
Okay, this time, this elimination involves Alejandro instead of Duncan. This could have been Bridgette's time to shine! I love her singing voice! But she is your first victim of getting picked off! Why?
Chris should have helped Bridgette instead of leaving her! And how does Bridgette's team not notice what happened to her? Someone could have asked what happened to her, she could explain, and they could probably vote DJ for crying and his curse! But no, plot twist, they vote off Bridgette instead. Not cool!
Why didn't they vote Gwen out? Noah was right for not being athletic, but Gwen didn't do anything either! When she first got on the court, she got out! Noah did have bad motivation, though.
Even if Noah had been in the dodgeball game, the team still would have lost. I mean, look at him. He's not athletic. Personally, they should not have voted him off.
Actually, the Killer Bass should have lost the challenge because Harold technically didn't catch the ball. In my opinion, Harold cheated to win the challenge, but nobody cared. Not even Chris or Chef took notice of that. - Gehenna
Zoey should've chosen Mal to go because he would have killed her.
She quit after the military needed her assistance.