Best Types of Classmates

i am looking a list for giving me ideas to do a list and i found the list "most annoying type of classmates" the i decide to do this list
The Top Ten
1 Your crush

I just love seeing my old list

2 The classmate who always makes you smile
3 The friendly classmates
4 The classmates who have the same interest as you
5 The classmates that support you
6 The classmates that can respect opinions
7 The loving classmates
8 The classmates who protect you from bullies
9 The classmate who can sing
10 The shy classmate who do nothing wrong

Yay! This was me (except I could be a somewhat of a prankster)

The Contenders
11 The classic rock listener

Classic rock is the best genre ever, having that person to connect to is golden

12 The outcast
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