Top 10 Ways to Improve Generation Z

Generation Z (1995-2012) is still pretty young so they're still growing up and learning. So I made a list of ways to help them improve and be a better generation than they already are.
The Top Ten
1 Use Common Sense

If any dangerous internet challenge is going to cost you your life then you really shouldn't do it at all. Use common sense.

2 Raise Your Kids Better

I'm mainly talking to you parents of Generation Z. Raise your children better so they don't grow up to be bigger morons then the kids of today already are.

3 Don't Get Too Addicted to Technology
4 Be More Classy and Polite
5 Avoid Dangerous Internet Challenges
6 Only Use the Internet for Research Purposes

I mean you can screw around with it all you want but I'm telling you right now that the more you use it, the more sick stuff you'll run into. That's why I try my best to not turn it into a habit.

7 Go Outside More Often
8 Live While You Still Have the Chance

You're still young and have a lot ahead of you so live while you still have the time.

9 Try to Influence Your Kids to Be Good People

If you want kids.

10 Use Good Manners
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