Top Ten Ways You Can Have a Good School Year

The Top Ten
1 Have good grades

Nobody wants to go to summer school

2 Have lots of friends

I'm not saying you have to be popular though

3 Don't get in trouble

Well,I have gotten 17 detentions,but hey,I guess getting in trouble is find for me

4 Have a place to sit in the cafeteria
5 Don't get upset when bullies come for you

Especially since teachers don't do anything about it.

They Will try make you feel sad,but don't let them succed on that

6 Don't cry in class

This can be hard especially if you're stressed out or have mean/strict teachers.

7 Always be there for your friends

Or else you won't have friends

8 Be loyal to your teachers

Yeah, usually my teacher and I become good friends!

Sometimes the teachers are not loyal to ME...

Respect goes both ways. That’s no different with me as a student. If you want respect from me, you have to respect me back no matter who you are.

But for me,If a teachers nice,I am loyal,if a teacher is mean,I become their worst nightmare(as in getting in trouble a lot)

9 Only be a class clown if people think you're funny
10 Try your best on tests

and hope that your parents are pleased

So number 1 will happen

The Contenders
11 Get to know your crush
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