Best YouTube Montage Parody Makers

The Top Ten
1 Snipars
2 BlazinSkrubs

Podel Skrub & Sgt. Skrub are the two most innovative MLG montage parody creators. They are creative, original, hilarious and don't try too hard to make you laugh. Every video they make, I can't help but laugh and laugh.

3 Pyrocynical
4 Materialisimo
5 Vagabonds
6 Dolan Dark
7 Sikk
8 AncientReality

AncientReality's videos get better with each upload. He is the best there is in the MLG montage parody business.

9 OfficalREKT
The Contenders
11 Senpai Kush
12 rekt CHAP
13 xSweg
14 ClammyHands
15 CheekiiChaps
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