Top 10 Fanmade MLP Songs
I've come across a lot of Fanmade MLP Songs over YouTube, so here is a list of my favorites!I'm talking about the Tombstone version, by the way. This song was really well done. It is upbeat and super catchy. I sang this song for days. The song is memorized in my brain. I know a good song when I hear one, and this one is definitely great.
Discord, I'm howling at the moon and sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...
I love it! The beat, the pace, the lyrics - everything! I'm talking about The Living Tombstone remix.
Usually, I hate all the Tombstone stuff, but I found this particular piece enjoyable.
This is a song about the ever-popular Rainbow Factory MLP creepypasta, in which a worker escapes what he calls prison (the factory). A sequel song is planned called The Pegasus Device.
I love the Rainbow Factory franchise! I even showed my friend (a pony hater), and she said she really liked it.
Yeah, I know it's not an original MLP song, but when I first saw it, it was so well animated that I tried to look up the episode it was in, not realizing it was a fan-made video.
This song clearly reflects how lonely Luna is. She calls all the children to come with her. It's almost like a lullaby.
A great song with smooth, interesting animation, beautiful lyrics, and wonderful vocals. I can't stop singing it.
Inspired one of the best MLP fan fictions ever and was made by WoodenToaster. It's so, so amazing.
One thing to say about this song: Amazing!
I have listened to this song a million times, and it never gets old. I love this song so much. It should be higher. It's kind of nice to have a Halloween song I can listen to with my little sister around.
This song is so well done and so great. Listen to it now!
I am in love with this song! I browsed BronyDanceParty's music video list and found it. I love it!
Amazing beat, awesome rap lyrics, brilliant song.
For starters, the animation is beautiful, and the lyrics are so well thought out. The music is amazing, and it goes right along with the story. I never cry about things that other people find sad - hardly ever! But this phenomenal song caused me to shed many tears. So much emotion is packed into this song, and it's fantastic! It shows how sorrowful and mournful Celestia is for sending her troubled little sister away to the moon. She sings Luna a lullaby every night, even though Luna can't hear her, for she misses her dearly.
This song is powerful and introduces a whole new way to see Celestia, especially if you don't particularly like her. This song should, by all means, be moved way up to the top of the list! Please!
This song has a great vocalist and lyrics. The long pauses were sort of annoying, but it's still passable.
Very well-made, sort-of rap song.
So beautiful. I hope they have a Vinyl and Octavia moment in the real show.
Super catchy song. I heard it before Titanium and thought it was about Octavia. This song is sure to get stuck in your head, and it's a well-done parody.
Beautiful animation with a great story, lovely vocals, and voice acting. I Am Octavia is one of a kind.
Yay. I don't like many of the choices on this list, but this and Discord are some of my favorites.
The Newcomers
Dasha and The Living Tombstone. Such an amazing song. Belongs on any Top 40 countdown.
Awkward Marina's delivery is perfect for this song about Discord.
This song is beautiful and shows how Luna was feeling before she made her famous attempt at shrouding Equestria in eternal night.
This is an opera-type song. I loved this one, and I wish it could be part of the episode since it is a beautiful piece.
Everything about this is so enjoyable!
I loved it the first time I heard this song. It was from Ink Rose, and I simply got hooked. There's not really a reason why!
Korekiyo would like to know your location, Lyra.
This is why Lyra is Korekiyo's pony waifu.
This song was sent to me by a friend who loves My Little Pony when I told her that I was going to start watching it to see if I liked it. I must admit, I relate to the guy who starts out not wanting to see MLP and ends up becoming a brony too.
I may not be into My Little Pony, but I adore this song with a passion. Great little tune, impressive lyrics - what's not to love?
Join the herd... and vote for this song! One of the first fan songs I downloaded. I just can't hum it at school...
I can't believe this song is all the way down here. The song is wonderful and super catchy. The new music video is so well done, and the song is a full seven minutes, yet it doesn't get old. Come on, people, vote for the good stuff... This song is great to listen to, and it is super catchy.
I don't think I've seen a fan-made song or PMV so well done and so wonderful. I can't even put it into words... I totally recommend listening to this song and watching the animation if you haven't already.
I listen to the remix a lot. It's a well-done song, and I need more like it. It's catchy, and I can hum it, and people will just think I'm humming about pirates and not MLP.
The song and sound effects are just really great.
I love this Pinkie Pie song.
Best song! Super catchy and super upbeat. You can't go wrong with the good old Gypsy Bard. Even my seven-year-old sister likes it!
So many good videos have been blessed with this song, and it's by far the best fan-made song yet.
This is just awesome! Sad lyrics to a happy tune actually fit Pinkie Pie really well. It really gets stuck in your head.
Please, please, go to YouTube and hear this song. I promise you will fall in love with it!
It doesn't use the same lyrics as the original version.
Better than the original Don't Mine at Night.
Am I the only one who thinks this is a creative masterpiece by AnimatedJames?
I love Eminem and I love MLP, and to see this as a parody just makes me smile!
A Sherclop Ponies production. A little more violent than what they normally do, but it has a very catchy beat.
I love that instrumental near the end. I think it's some sort of electric organ? Whatever the instrument is, it sounds awesome! The hints of Rainbow Factory and Awoken at the end are a great touch. This song is way too awesome for words! I can't understand why it's at #29!
Why is this at 24?! It's the best fanmade song ever!