Top 10 Best Yu-Gi-Oh! Shippings

What exactly are these 'best' Yu-Gi-Oh! shippings? It's a tough question because, well, it's a deeply personal matter. Are they the pairings that make your heart race with their intense dueling chemistry, or maybe the ones that touch your soul with their profound emotional connection? Or perhaps you're all about that teasing tension, the push-and-pull dynamic that just keeps you on the edge of your seat, rooting for them. Maybe it's even the unconventional pairings that make you think and wonder, "What if?"

No matter what floats your duel blimp, the world of Yu-Gi-Oh! shipping is vast and varied, brimming with fantastic pairings to explore. The shippings we're talking about have been voted on by fans like you, each one with their unique perspective on what makes a great pairing.
The Top Ten
1 Puzzleshipping (Yugi Muto and Yami Yugi)

Adorable #1fav ship. They are to cute together and they show genuine care about each other. They also were bought together by destiny!

To be honest, this ship is adorable no matter how you look at it. And the way Yumi wants to protect Yugi is super sweet! They play off of each other, making an unstoppable duo and the cutest couple I've ever seen. By far, my OTP and hope it's the OTP of others because there is a lot to it, and sometimes it's cute, sometimes it's angsty and even deep. There is more to this ship than meets the eye.

2 Polarshipping (Joey Wheeler and Mai Valentine)

Okay, how do people not think this is canon? Joey and Mai were dating during the anime!

The most hinted ship throughout the series, beside yugi/yami and tea.

Shipped them since forever with puzzleshipping. 10/10 really cute

3 Peachshipping (Yugi Muto and Anzu Mazaki/Tea Gardner)

They belong together. Yugi always had a crush on Tea, and there are moments when Tea shows feelings for him more than Yami. Post-canon, they would totally get together.

Yeah! They're best friends since childhood and they're always there for each other. I love these two!

Yugi liked Tea and Tea liked him TOO MUCH in season 0! In season 5, she also has a crush on him.

4 Prideshipping (Seto Kaiba and Yami Yugi)

Well, at least there may be some hinting that seto is also from the destent past as well? I don't know, I have no idea what the whole drawings on the wall ishizu was showing seto really meant...

I only saw them as rivals. All Kaiba wanted to do was take back Yugi's crown and that was all.

5 Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba and Joey Wheeler)

They both hate each other. I don't think it would work out.

I love it they are like the couple that start as enemies then just use there hatred as lige for each other.

6 Thiefshipping (Yami Bakura and Marik Ishtar)

Their personalities bounce off each other so well.

7 Vaseshipping (Yami Yugi and Ishizu Ishtar)

Yami and Mana were childhood friends, and they were hinting that they were a couple.

8 Phycoshipping (Mako Tsunami and Anzu Mazaki/Tea Gardner)
9 Tendershipping (Ryou Bakura and Yami Bakura)

Bakura is Yami Bakura's reincarnation. I know it's not, but it's almost like you're shipping him with himself.

10 Tieshipping (Sugoroku Mutou/Grandpa and Arthur Hawkins)

All Tristan did in season 0 was try to impress Miho, but she later dissapeared for no reasons.

The Contenders
11 Heartshipping (Yugi Muto and Ryou Bakura)
12 Cheershipping (Mai Valentine and Anzu Mazaki/Tea Gardner)

Duke obviously has a crush on Serenity, and Serenity just seems to never catch on.

13 Roseshipping (Yami Bakura and Mai Valentine)
14 Bronzeshipping (Marik Ishtar and Yami Marik)

Dude, no. Yami Marik is a dark side of Marik that manifested in him when he was little. Marik has D.I.D and I guess you guys are shipping him with himself.

15 Revolutionshipping (Yami Yugi and Anzu Mazaki/Tea Gardner)
16 Shrimpshipping (Joey Wheeler and Serenity Wheeler)

Yes. Rex x Weevil. There are just so many moments with these two. I love it.

One of my all time favorite pairings.

17 Rivalshipping (Seto Kaiba and Yugi Muto)
18 Halfshipping (Noa Kaiba and Mokuba Kaiba)
19 Trustshipping (Seto Kaiba and Ishizu Ishtar)

They have there ups and downs, not the best, not the worst.

20 Ardentshipping (Rebecca Hawkins and Yugi Muto)
21 Angstshipping (Ryou Bakura and Malik Ishtar)
22 Harpoonshipping (Mako Tsunami and Joey Wheeler)
23 Wishshipping (Katsuya Jonouchi/Joey Wheeler and Shizuka Kawai/Serenity Wheeler)

Only one that makes sense and could work out for me. They just do above and beyond for each other and always had each others backs. It's just too cute.

24 Boxshipping (Duke Devlin and Tristan Taylor)
25 Blindshipping (Yugi Muto and Yami Yugi)
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