Top Ten Reasons Why There Is No Reason to Retire from TheTopTens

There isn't really a reason to retire. If you don't want to come on here as often anymore for any reason, then don't, there isn't any need to delete your account and/or make it a permanent thing.
The Top Ten
1 It needn't be a permanent thing

There isn't really a reason to retire. If you don't want to come on here as often anymore for any reason, then don't, there isn't any need to delete your account and/or make it a permanent thing.

2 You might as well keep your account

Sometimes you have to delete your account so raft there is username space for new users. If you plan I'm leaving your account t here on case you want your friends to visit it that's understandable.

Lovemusic deleted her account, but why? Might as well keep it, even if you barely go on it its not doing any harm.

How do you delete an account?

3 TheTopTens is brilliant

Why would you want to leave?

4 People will miss you

Trust me, a lot of people come on this site and more people notice members than you realise. Even if you don't talk to many people on here, you'll still be missed if you contribute positively which most do.

Nobody would miss me, even though I reformed. I'm still a very hated user by some people.

5 You're detracting from the site

You're taking away from the site if you leave.

6 You've wasted time building your profile

Especially with the new scoring system. why level up just to leave? Yes you have made friends, but you're giving up the other things.

7 Could lose touch with friends on here

I've made some good friends on here, and they might be creeped out if I asked for their mobile numbers haha, so there is no way I am losing touch with them so I defninitly wouldn't leave

Unless they give you their number or you live close, then you're otherwise never gonna hear from them again if you leave.

8 You could learn so much from this site

Yes! This website has taught me about; Donald Trump, stuff about anime, and Metallica and others. I just love this site.

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