Piccolo is a fictional character in the Dragon Ball manga series created by Akira Toriyama. He first appeared in chapter 161 of the Dragon Ball manga in the Shonen Jump magazine on February 22, 1988. He is a member of the alien Namekian race and has abilities such as ki manipulation, regeneration, telepathy,... read more Man, Piccolo, you are always calm as a cucumber, but I think you're a little weak because you fused with Nail, then you fused with Kami. Goku better watch his back, though, because everyone knows you as the mean green ass-kicking machine.
Although he started out as one of the main bad guys, in DBZ he became an ally. He isn't that powerful anymore, but the franchise is nothing without Piccolo.
Piccolo is the most intelligent character in Dragon Ball. He is the best.
Bulma Brief
Bulma is a fictional character in the Dragon Ball manga series created by Akira Toriyama. Bulma is the most significant female character in the series. It all started because Bulma wanted an endless supply of strawberries and the perfect boyfriend - Vegeta.
Krillin (クリリン, Kuririn) is a supporting protagonist in the Dragon Ball manga, and the anime series Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball Super... read more Not being the strongest character makes him by far the most noble. He stands up to some of the toughest villains, knowing he has little chance of survival, but he's always willing to put his best friend before himself.
Whether saving the galaxy or getting the girl, Krillin always helped Goku become the hero we all know and love.
Krillin is easily the best character on the show. He's hilarious, makes me feel good, provides comic relief, and helps Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, and Piccolo out on many occasions.
Android 18
Tien Shinhan
Town is an anime fictional character from the anime series, Dragon Ball Z, created by Akira Toriyama. Tien Shinhan is one of the more serious side characters, who often goes underused and underappreciated. He is one of the hardest-working side characters, but unlike Dragon Ball, he is given a much worse role in Dragon Ball Z, with only a few moments showcasing that he should be the strongest human.
Zarbon is Frieza's right hand man and highest ranking Commander and General in an army of millions. He is always beside his master and emperor, Lord Frieza, following his orders and carrying out his dirty work alongside his comrade, Dodoria. Zarbon is responsible for advising Frieza on numerous matters,... read more
Yamcha (ヤムチャ, Yamucha) is a Bandit and a main protagonist in the Dragon Ball manga and in the anime Dragon Ball, and later a supporting protagonist in Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super, with a few appearances in Dragon Ball GT. He has black hair and has a scar across his eye and cheek. Yamcha is awesome, but he should get more credit because he rocks.
Dodoria is one of Frieza's top two right hand men and in an army of millions. He is always beside his master and emperor, Frieza, following his orders and carrying out his dirty work alongside his comrade, Zarbon. Dodoria is responsible for advising Frieza on numerous matters and remains loyal to Frieza... read more
Dende is an anime fictional character from the anime series, Dragon Ball Z, created by Akira Toriyama.
Master Roshi
Master Roshi is an anime fictional character from the anime series, Dragon Ball Z, created by Akira Toriyama. This man is funny as hell, plus he is serious when needed.
The Newcomers
? Maron
The Contenders
Android 17
Android 17 is an anime fictional character from the anime series, Dragon Ball Z, created by Akira Toriyama. This guy is the best supporting character and the most interesting one.