Top Ten Most Annoying Things About John Cena

The Top Ten
1 He has been rammed down our throats for 10 years

I'm so glad WrestleMania 31 is approaching, so we don't have to see Cena hogging the spotlight for another 10 years...

Too bad he was in the event

2 He ALWAYS uses the same five moves

Shoulder block, Shoulder Block, Spinning side slam, Five Knuckle Shuffle and the AA, so boring...

3 Never puts over Younger talent

What sort of guy who claims to be 'The Face of WWE' who doesn't even put anyone over? What about when he refused to put over Wade Barrett a few years ago? Look at guys like Big Show, Kane, Jericho, etc, they put over the young guys, why can't Cena do the same?

4 His stupid 'You Can't See Me' cashphrase, even though he is a big guy wearing colourful T-Shirts
5 He is close to tying with Ric Flair's 16 time world championship reign.

I Honestly don't want to see Cena get past 16, but of course, WWE wants him too

That's not going to happen

6 He no sells everything/sells terribly

Look at what happened at Extreme Rules this year, he looked like as if he saw a ghost when that kid was near the cage and started singing, next night, he acted as if nothing happened, WrestleMania 28, after losing to The Rock, he was clearly upset, on RAW, he acted as if he just 'lost'.

7 He has terrible mic skills

Whoever for this thing must be insane! Cena has better mic skills than HHH, Undertaker, Kane and Rollins. Best mic skills of any wrestler in WWE today.

Its practically all the same, talks serious, insults the person he's feuding with...

8 How WWE is pushing him, even when he is injured

Look what happened last year when Cena was injured, they said he had to take six months out, only lasted two.

9 The Stupid repetitive T-shirt messages

Never Give up, Rise above Hate, Hustle Loyalty Respect, what the hell? It's the same stupid messages all the time! Not to mention the colour of the shirts.

10 He smells
The Contenders
11 The stupid Modern Day 'Superman' Gimmick
12 He was in Fred: The Movie
13 The John Cena memes have become irrelevant and annoying
14 He makes himself sound like the stereotype of black men
15 He thinks he can rap
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