Top Ten Things Pro Wrestling Fans are Tired of Hearing

The Top Ten
Wrestling is fake

It's scripted entertainment. Most fans know this (unless you're like 4 to 10 years old). Matches and moves are predetermined. But in no sense is it faked. It takes so much athletic ability to pull off maneuvers and such. Watch crazy pro wrestling stunts or injuries and tell me how that's faked (OK, you got me on blading).

When people say this, it's almost hilarious. Duh, it ain't real, but we enjoy everything about it. Wrestling is the only type of entertainment that people say this about. You don't watch an Indiana Jones film and say this. Reality TV is scripted, but most people don't know this. For people who for some reason need to say this, ask yourself - who are you helping? Nobody. Only a kid thinks it's real.

Nobody watches wrestling anymore

1. Wrong by a gigantic long shot. (OK, it is not as watched as it was from '97 to 2003, but still.)
2. Over 3 million people watch WWE programming (Raw/Smackdown) a week on TV, and 15 million on YouTube. WrestleMania has been breaking PPV records, and cities place massive bids on where to have WrestleMania (much like the Super Bowl).
3. Almost 2 million people were subscribers to the WWE Network in 2017.
4. Might as well say nobody watches football or the Super Bowl. It would be a big no.
5. Just because you don't watch it, doesn't mean nobody does, buddy.

Wrestlers aren't real athletes

Athlete: a person who is proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise. That's all I need to say, but watch a wrestling match and all the stuff they do. Watch some New Japan Pro Wrestling matches. Now try to pull those moves off (especially you UFC/MMA and football fans).

There is a WWE Performance Center in Florida where they train like mules on athletics, doing basic maneuvers and such. Plus, they have to learn how to do promos. Also, WWE has no off-season. It's year-round. How sore do you think these guys and gals are? Tell guys like Cesaro or Kenny Omega that they aren't athletes, and they will prove you wrong.

Only stupid/dumb/uneducated people watch wrestling

Wrestling fans are not the white trash rednecks many people think. Some may say the wrestlers themselves are stupid, but there was once a wrestler who, when he retired, was 300-1 (eat your heart out, Undertaker). Now, this wasn't like WWE. It was based on true strength and athletics. That man would later on become our 16th president of the USA. Yeah, Abraham Lincoln was a wrestler. Don't believe me? I guess you're uneducated.

No, we're not stupid. Get a life and stop hating!

Wrestling is violent

Really? You watch shows like Game of Thrones, South Park (which I'm not bashing), and The Walking Dead that are much more violent. You see movies with enough blood splatter to make enough 'ketchup' for 10 years. Wrestling (especially today) is nowhere near as violent as those. Plus, watch sports like hockey (where they just let you fight).

UFC/MMA is better

Wrestling may not be as entertaining as it was in 1998, but it's better than UFC. While 75% of UFC is competitors strictly on the mat, with leg locks, arm bars, and rear chokes, wrestling is 75% on the move. Competitors are running around the ring, jumping off or over the rope, and throwing punches or chops.

I know it's all choreographed, but men and women still have the potential to get severely hurt. Landing on their head can injure their spine, they can blow a knee or shoulder out, and get their nose or mouth busted. Plus, wrestlers are more enjoyable to listen to, whether it's scripted or not.

Wrestlers use steroids/performance enhancing drugs

This ain't the '80s anymore, guys. Look at a picture of guys like Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan, and other wrestlers from the '80s. Compare them to guys like Daniel Bryan, Seth Rollins, Marty Scurll, Dalton Castle, and stars of today. Do they even look remotely the same?

Why are you wearing a wrestling shirt, are you five?

No, I'm wearing it because I love wrestling!

Wrestling is for kids

No, I know tons of adults that love wrestling!

Wrestling is kind of homo-erotic

1. It's not, you weirdos.
2. How many of you watch grown men in costumes slam into each other all day for a pigskin?

I'm a homo for liking this? I'm not the one who came up with that stupid claim that wrestling is homo-erotic, and I'm the homo. Plus, there's women's wrestling, which is bigger than it ever has been.

The Newcomers

? Hogan is important and the biggest draw
? Women can’t wrestle
The Contenders
John Cena ruined wrestling
Wrestlemania 29 is the coolest wrestlemania ever
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