Top Ten Most Annoying Things When Using New Mobile Devices
The most annoying things with smartphone and tabletsIs true I got too many ads and cry for a hour. I was like what the heck I want my money back!
I have a NuVision 7.85 and when I goto use it there's always an ad that pops up
I have an iPhone 4s and I broke it in October, then I got an Android tablet for Christmas and it has so so so many glitches I cannot stand android I was so used to Apple
This happens when I had my iPhone before I broke it and right now with my tablet it always frozer crashed when something didn't work
Apps on the App Store in the Google Play Store alike Austin cost so much money and its like they think that everybody can just go out and buy an iTunes card or a Google Play card
Usually it's an app itself is free but there are too many things in the ad that they want you to buy or else it will bombard you with ads and popups
Whoever Invented In-App Purchase, It must be Evil Capitalist Pig
To be honest there are many apps where everything is locked
Freezes, crashes, apps not working, it's endless
Web sites like Twitter and Facebook have apps and mobile websites which are all very glitchy
Mobile sites suck and are useless, desktop sites are glitchy and crash
Most of your ipad/iPhone or Android tablet / smartphone have default apps that you can't delete but don't have any use for
Sometimes when you have too many of these devices you can have internet problems I can blame half of it on the cable company but not just the cable company
In my country some apps doesn't work and they are very good luck as Netflix and Spotify
And some apps...
Mobile sites are almost useless, and desktop sites lag. Slow, crashes, no flash.