Top Ten Most Underrated Big Brother (US) Players
As we all praise Dan, Will, Janelle, and Derrick, let's vote for those players that were so close, yet so far away from being remembered as the best.Dan goes down in history as one of, if not the, greatest players of all time. However people seem to overlook Dan's right-hand man Memphis. Memphis played a much better social game than Dan, Memphis's relationships with Keesha, Jessie and even Renny kept him off the block, and later in the game kept Dan safe.
Okay, so for starters, everyone always sees him as riding Dan's tail to the end, but no one gives him the credit he deserves. He won challenges, escaped the block, and made deals with other Houseguests. Had he been nicer to Keesha and spent more time working on his final speech, he could've gotten votes.

As the first Veto King in the history of Big Brother, James would most likely be remembered as another unfortunate fake-alliance player that fell to the hands of Dr. Will and Mike Boogie. He was taken out both seasons because he made a huge target on his back by winning so many competitions. Had his Season Six alliance in BB7 taken out Chilltown in the first few weeks instead of useless floaters, him and Danielle could have cruised to the end.
Loved him more BB6 than all stars, but no doubt a legendary player. I liked he how floated but won POVs.

Spencer was the king of being a pawn. He was nominated 9 times but never seemed to loose his cool.

I'm not sure why he hasn't come back yet

Somehow I found myself rooting for one of the most horrible people I'd ever seen on television. Her social game was horrible for the first half of the game, there's no question about that. But she managed to pose as a floater and still make major moves until what was admittedly the worst final 7 cast of all time realized she was the only good player left in the game. McCranda had no social game, mostly sucked at challenges and were too caught up with their showmance to focus on any real strategy. Aaryn was a HELL of a BB player. She is a racist mean girl, but even with that huge target, slipped under the radar. I'll always consider her the most underrated player behind Nakomis.

Hands down played a better game than paul in bb18 and was awarded rightfully. Very deserving winner who played very behind the scenes, puppet master of corey all the way. Glad the jury saw it.
She was the only one that figured out that Derrick was the one calling the shots. She was also an underrated competitor.
Finally a good big brother list! She's underrated and she should have won.
The Newcomers

Kevin doesn't get enough credit.
He had to keep Chima calm most of the season, he took Robbie to task for his Hitler love and he/Natalie strategized to break up JeJo and get Jeff evicted. I wouldn't mind if he came back again.
Stayed under the radar for most of the game and let the bigger personalities get evicted. He threw comps when he didn't need to win but won when he had to. He started playing hard near the end winning 3 of the last 4 Hoh's, nominating Austwins and evicting Vanessa. He made a lot of good game moves such as aligning with Austin and Jace win week one, forming the rockstars alliance with Johnny Mac, forming an alliance with Vanessa in week 2 which helped him get into scamper Squad, nominating Jackie and Austwins and evicting Vanessa.

I actually think he is the MOST underrated houseguest in big brother history. He won 2 head of household's and 2 POVS while in the game.
He went under the radar even though his showmance was the most hated houseguest for most of the time.
He seemed to have a strong relationship with a lot of the people in the house. Mccrae was the target in the house when Amanda went home but won a veto and an HOH to save himself. He should definitely come back for an all-stars
Although most credit is given to his showmance Amanda Zukkerman, McCrae was the one who made sure they stayed off the block. While Amanda bullied houseguests into helping her game, McCrae was the unsung hero who softened the wound Amanda left.
Set herself up in a position where in the final 3 she was going to final 2 no matter who won. Not bad at comps, good social game always had allies, was a very tactically savvy player. Very impressive considering that she didn't kmow much about the game going into it and had to deal with the target of having a twin and a boyfriend at the same time and still made final 2.
There were so many characters in BB17 it's hard to remember Liz, even though she came in second place. She had a killer social game, and was never on anyone's radar even though she had won multiple compititions. She didn't talk to much game like Vanessa, which was why she was picked over Vanessa. In my opinion, she should've won over Steve.

Although hated by many for cheating on his girlfriend, his gameplay was extremely well done. Nobody else would be able to lead a well known trio all the way to final three. Austin was a low key social threat, and with his good relationships with Meg, James and the twins, he would have beaten anyone in the final two that season.

Still in my top 3 players of al time. Bb messed her over on what should have been her win!