Top Ten Considerations When Choosing Users to Follow

The Top Ten
1 Humor

I just can't think of what it's like to have no sense of humor. I wouldn't judge solely on sense (or lack of sense of) humor, though.

Pretty easy to like folks when they make me laugh.

I made you laugh right?

2 Approachability

Approachability was big for me since I generally kept to myself up until early May. Up until then, I was too secluded (both in real life and on TheTopTens.)

3 Open-Mindedness

Especially if it's open-mindedness over something big in your personal ethics.
There are certain users who don't give certain things about Christians, the Bible, and conservatives a second thought.

4 Character/Integrity

How very sweet of you.

5 Did they follow me?
6 Artistic Creativity

Hopefully, this isn't specifically one form of art or another. I've written a children's book and a short story (but didn't want to publish either) and I'm artistic in that sense, but not so much with general drawing

7 Intellect

I try to not assess people as thoroughly as this because I know I can sound kinda dumb, but I'm not according to my GPA

8 Boldness

Hmm...I wouldn't say I'm bold in the daredevil sense, but I'm not afraid to stand up for my beliefs.

I personally like folks who stick to their guns.

9 Like-Mindedness

I try to understand what people on the other side of the aisle think and what makes them tick, too. Like-mindedness is a good thing, but you should try to understand others, too.

It helps to agree on at least a handful of things

10 Clarity

If you can't see eye-to-eye with someone you're messaging, it just gets frustrating. You say Coke; I say Pepsi.

Difficult to follow anyone if I can't understand them.

The Contenders
11 Kindness
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