Top 10 Reasons Why You Wouldn't Want Your Mom to Enter Your Room

My mom does this a few times per year, but I can't blame her because she probably didn't know what I was doing at that time.
My brother, on the other hand, crashes into the doors when I'm changing. It's really annoying to have to keep buying doors every few weeks.
So true! She just comes in while I'm changing, without announcing or knocking. When I tell her I want to change alone, she says she has the right to see me change because she's also a female. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever!
This has happened to me multiple times: I'm changing and my mom decides to enter unannounced!
Not that I have a boyfriend or girlfriend, but it would be awfully embarrassing if your mom entered while you were kissing or something!
I hate being woken up by my mom while I'm sleeping. Usually, it's just for trivial things like, "I'm just making sure you're okay. Now go back to sleep," or something that could wait until morning.
I hate it when people watch me sleep. It's so creepy! Especially when you wake up and they're right in front of you with a creepy smile on their face.
This doesn't necessarily apply to me (for the most part), but I'm sure it's really relatable to a lot of other people out there.
I never do this, but that would be very bad!
This always happens to me! I'll be hoarding chocolate in the corner of my room, and she always manages to spot it! What can I say? I have a thing for sweets.
I can't explain how many times this has occurred in my life! I'll be listening to a song on my phone while doing these horrendously terrible dance moves, and she always happens to walk in on me!
I'm not going to smoke and will not in the future (no offense if you do smoke), but it would be horrible if someone entered my room while I had a cigarette in my hand. I would be grounded for life!
Yeah, I'm sure my "fruit" is an appropriate thing to see when you break into someone's room.
Hate to admit it, but this has happened to me before and it's very awkward.
I don't drink, but I have a sister who does. There have been several incidents where she has been caught with her friends in her room, and it would be horrible if that ever happened to me!
I don't get grounded often, but I remember that two years ago I was grounded from my tablet (I didn't have a phone), and she came in while I was using it! I ended up getting into more trouble than I started with. Definitely a lesson learned, though!