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New ListTop 10 Colors Taylor Swift Should Dye Her Hair1. Brown
2. Black
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Randomperson2's list of Top 10 Places Where Nightcrawler Goggles Can be Found in Kaiju Paradise has been approved and can be voted on or added to
Vote cast for Duck Embryos on the list of Top Ten Grossest Things Eaten On Fear Factor
Deathshield18 created their version of the list of Top 10 Best Alice in Chains Songs
New comment on Sharks in the list of Top 10 Childhood Fears

chonestly no reason to fear sharks did you know that people kill more sharks then sharks do humans so they have a reason to fear. most of the time when a shark attacks occurs on Many occasions sharks are very curious creatures and like to investigate things they also can get confused. its also been said that the colors yellow,white, and silver attract sharks so try to limit those colors. if a shark sees a human splashing around in the water, it may try to investigate, leading to an accidental attack. Humans hunt sharks for their meat, internal organs,skin, and fins in order to make products such as shark fin soup,lubricants, and leather. People kill 80 million sharks a year, 25 of which are a threatened species and only 14 fatality attacks on humans so who really is the monster?

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