Top Ten Rant Blog Post Series On TheTopTens

When a user decides they want to make a blog post series, there are two very easy go-tos: Rants and Television-Based. This list focuses on the rants. Which one do you think is best? Come on, vote, remix, comment, debate, and other stuff!
The Top Ten
1 Puga Rants - Puga

The original rant series. It's detailed, bashes the other side of the argument, and doesn't reuse arguments often. What else does a rant series need!

2 Turkey Vents - Turkeyasylum

I hate putting myself in second, but I kinda think I deserve it...

3 Pretty Little Rants - BlueDiamondFromNowhere

Probably one of the best titles for rants I've seen.

4 Bad Band Reviews - IronSabbathPriest

Thanks Turkeyasylum, I do enjoy ranting about bands that I don't really like.

This kinda goes to being a music series, but it revovles around rants.

5 Subliminal Rants - SubliminalMessages

Wonder when Aaron's gonna make a second one. The first one was really good.

6 Bizz Rants - Mumbizz01
7 Simpsondude Rants - Simpsondude
8 VelitelCabal Rages - velitelcabal
9 It's Time To Grow Up - MrWiseGuy

I don't know if it counts as a rant, but it's very close to one.

10 Jake Rants - EpicJake
The Contenders
11 Awful Animation - Puga

The only reason it's down here is because it falls into the animation category.

Thanks for reading!

12 Bloody Hatred - DarkenedBrutality
13 The Angry Outlaw - htoutlaws2012
14 Kitty Rants - KittyJewelpet74
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