Top Ten Reasons Why Linux is Better Than Windows

The Top Ten
Linux is free and open source

You don't have to pay anything to install Linux, and the code is available for you to use. If you want to create your own distro out of Linux, go right ahead. In contrast, Windows is closed source, meaning only Microsoft has access to the source code.

Microsoft owns your Windows OS

Using Windows can be painful, and even if you're the admin of the computer, some parts of the OS are still blocked, accessible only to Microsoft. Since Microsoft is the head admin on your system, they can make any changes they want to your system. It's not your computer. It's Microsoft's computer, and they decide who to lend it to. This explains why Windows is so susceptible to viruses.

On Linux, you're the head admin. You get to control what programs can do to your computer. As a result, Linux is the safest OS to use, and if you know how to use it properly, it's also the easiest.

Linux is more stable than Windows

On Windows, you can download software from Google. Enjoy getting the latest software that's infected with viruses and can break your system.

On Linux, you download pre-compiled software known as packages using a package manager. Each distro has repositories available from which you can download packages, and all packages are tested before they are made available. Not only is it easier to install software, but it's also more secure. Some distros, like Arch, provide the latest packages, while others, like Debian, ensure maximum stability at the cost of outdated software.

Linux updates aren't as annoying

Microsoft forces updates on Windows 10 users, and they can take a while. You have to sit there while the computer is updating before you can use it again, and sometimes it will take hours. On Linux, you just type in a simple command, and the system will update while you're working.

Linux has a more powerful terminal

There are so many things you can do on the Linux terminal that aren't possible with the Windows command prompt. You can install and update software, run terminal apps such as htop (system monitor) and nano (text editor), and even create your own bash scripts to automate complex processes.

Linux is more customizable

You have complete control over your system. You can choose what kind of desktop you want (Windows or macOS style, or something else), you can choose what your icons and title bars look like, and you can even customize your login screen and terminal. On Windows, some of that used to be possible until Microsoft made it too difficult to customize your OS.

Linux respects your privacy, Windows does not

If you're using Windows 10 to read this, then Microsoft probably already knows. Windows 10 collects data on you, and it collects even more data on your children, even if all your privacy settings are turned off. Linux doesn't do this, with some exceptions like Ubuntu. Some distros, such as Tails, are built to be completely private.

Linux is more secure than Windows

Linux offers features such as full-disk encryption for free, which aren't available on some Windows editions. On Windows, you'll have to buy yourself a bloated antivirus or download a free one with ads and hourly reminders to upgrade to the "pro version."

Windows is bloated and slow

Every time I install Windows, I have to spend hours removing all the bloatware that came with it, and it's even worse when you get a prebuilt laptop. With Linux, you choose what to install, and some distros like Arch and Gentoo let you build your own OS. These two distros are also very frustrating and difficult to install, so I suggest using Elementary OS or Linux Mint instead.

Microsoft has made it nearly impossible to fix your broken Windows system

Is something wrong with your Windows system? Good luck trying to fix it. The built-in troubleshooters don't work well, and the administrative tools are not very helpful. You could attempt to install third-party software to address the issue, but even then, Windows may give you a hard time. Accessing Safe Mode and other advanced boot settings is difficult, seemingly because Microsoft prefers you to have a broken operating system.

The Contenders
Linux offers more choices
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