Top 10 Strangest Programming Languages
Programming languages are originally designed to be organized, clear, and concise and to have a positive impact on people. However, some languages are intentionally designed to go against the mainstream and consist of experimental traits. These are called esoteric programming languages and they are typically designed to break the limits of average programming languages. However, most of them are difficult to understand and therefore should not really be used (unless you are a dedicated programmer or into real challenges, of course).The Top Ten
Considered the hardest programming language that can make any programmer scream, even more challenging than Brainf***, Ook, and Befunge. A simple string of code in this language consists of extremely garbled random characters. Apparently, this language was not created by a person but by an algorithm. However, it is possible to write programs based on this language. In fact, it took two years to design the first Malbolge code. It was intentionally designed to be extremely difficult. An example of "Hello World!" in Malbolge would be:
Do you see what I'm talking about?
Do you see what I'm talking about?
The majority of programming languages render whitespace as almost insignificant. However, this is not the case for yet another bizarre programming language. This language treats whitespaces as if they are commands. The only commands consist of "space," "tab," and "newlines," hence the name "whitespace," meaning not visible but occupying space.
This programming language relies on its ridiculous minimalism and limits, only comprising eight commands (< > - + . , [ ]). It also includes an instruction pointer. It is designed for those who want a real challenge in programming. For example, if you want to code a simple task like inputting text, you will almost always have to type out a long list of sequences to execute that code.
Again, this language shares many similarities with brainf***. The language and structure are the same, except its commands consist of "Ook. Ook? Ook!" The initial purpose of designing this kind of language is to make it readable and understandable by orangutans.
This code isn't based on the everyday code you see in programming languages. In fact, this code revolves around Shakespearean plays. Variables are also named after Shakespearean characters. I won't paste the "Hello World" example here, as it is very long. But you get the idea.
Ever wanted to learn how to cook strings of code? Now you can! Here's an example of the code (ingredients) for "Hello World!"
72 g haricot beans
101 eggs
108 g lard
111 cups oil
32 zucchinis
119 ml water
114 g red salmon
100 g Dijon mustard
33 potatoes
Put potatoes into the mixing bowl.
Put Dijon mustard into the mixing bowl.
Put lard into the mixing bowl.
Put red salmon into the mixing bowl.
Put oil into the mixing bowl.
Put water into the mixing bowl.
Put zucchinis into the mixing bowl.
Put oil into the mixing bowl.
Put lard into the mixing bowl.
Put lard into the mixing bowl.
Put eggs into the mixing bowl.
Put haricot beans into the mixing bowl.
Liquefy the contents of the mixing bowl.
Pour the contents of the mixing bowl into the baking dish.
Serves 1.
Now you know how to make the "Hello World!" code in cooking form. It should taste savory in order to make it work. Now get to the kitchen and make some stuff!
72 g haricot beans
101 eggs
108 g lard
111 cups oil
32 zucchinis
119 ml water
114 g red salmon
100 g Dijon mustard
33 potatoes
Put potatoes into the mixing bowl.
Put Dijon mustard into the mixing bowl.
Put lard into the mixing bowl.
Put red salmon into the mixing bowl.
Put oil into the mixing bowl.
Put water into the mixing bowl.
Put zucchinis into the mixing bowl.
Put oil into the mixing bowl.
Put lard into the mixing bowl.
Put lard into the mixing bowl.
Put eggs into the mixing bowl.
Put haricot beans into the mixing bowl.
Liquefy the contents of the mixing bowl.
Pour the contents of the mixing bowl into the baking dish.
Serves 1.
Now you know how to make the "Hello World!" code in cooking form. It should taste savory in order to make it work. Now get to the kitchen and make some stuff!
This code is similar to the brainf*** programming language. It was intentionally designed to make compilation very difficult by modifying the code itself. An example of how this code works is:
v, "Hello"48*, v
v, "World!"25*, @
v, "Hello"48*, v
v, "World!"25*, @
Inspired by the lolcat lolspeak internet meme, this bizarre yet humorous language is based on that. A simple example of the code for the "Hello World!" is:
VISIBLE "Hello World!"
VISIBLE "Hello World!"
Coding is art, and this programming language perfectly embodies that statement. You have to "paint" the code in a bitmap in order to make it work. This involves using a pointer that moves around the image from one color to another. When the program is executed, the compiler always starts at the top left. This code uses 20 different colors.
Especially if you're an old-timer of the internet, you may have seen a meme based on this. This programming language is particularly based on l33t sp33k language, intentionally composed of misspellings and numbers. It is considered one of the difficult yet bizarre programming languages to code in. I'm not going to paste the entire "Hello World!" code, but here is a piece of it: l33t sP33k is U8er cool 4nD eA5y when u 7hink 1t tHr0uGh.
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