Top 10 Words Microsoft Sam Cannot Say Correctly

Microsoft Sam is a text-to-speech voice created by Microsoft. It is probably the most famous - or infamous - of all the text-to-speech voices, but that doesn't mean it's perfect. There are some words he cannot say correctly, and this list will contain those words.

There are two versions of Microsoft Sam. The first, and more commonly heard version, is Speakonia Sam, which came with Windows 2000. The other version is known as Natural Microsoft Sam, which came with Windows XP. The latter has more pronunciation glitches.

If you want to have a good laugh, have Microsoft Sam read this list.
The Top Ten
1 Soi

Sometimes spelled as Soy, this is one of the most well-known words he cannot say. If you make him say this word many times, it sounds like a helicopter. This is the sound of the ROFLcopter, which is why Microsoft Sam cannot work at an Asian restaurant.

2 Bing

He pronounces it like bin. Maybe this is why Microsoft discontinued him - because he couldn't say the name of their search engine.

3 Crotch

When he says this word, he says "crow's nest" instead of "crouch." However, if you spell the word like "krotch" or "crottch," it is pronounced correctly.

4 Certificate

He pronounces the word correctly except for the "cate" part, which he pronounces like the name "Kate" instead of "kit."

5 Enjoy

He pronounces this word correctly unless you put a word that starts with "th" (for example, this, that, then, them). Then, he pronounces it like "EnjWAH," which is a sound similar to the ROFLcopter sound.

6 Honest

He pronounces it like "innest." If you have a word before it, he will pronounce it correctly. The same thing happens with the words "Honestly" and "Honor."

7 Ha

It is pronounced like "Fa."

8 Pixar

Natural MS Sam pronounces it like "Pee Shar." Speakonia Sam pronounces it like "PICKS-er."

9 Wikipedia

He pronounces it like "Wik-eye-ped-ia."

10 MySpace

He pronounces it like "MissSpace." It works fine if you spell it as two words ("My Space").

The Contenders
11 Bling
12 Pling
13 Pointer
14 Pens
15 Wasteman
16 Pow
17 Ped
18 Homepage
19 Cocopuffs
20 Leather
21 Snowman
22 YouTube
23 Nevada
24 Cheetos

He pronounces it like cheetahs.

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