Top 10 School Stereotypes

Wheather it's a person or location at school,there are many stereotypes
The Top Ten
1 Emos

I'm my class emo! Always wanting to wear black, constantly calling out snarky responses to the teachers, speaking completely emotionless (but that's actually the voice I was born with, not because I'm emo). But when I get home and I'm on the internet, I sort of change into a weird person! Maybe I do it to be cool or maybe I do it because I hate everyone at my school, I dunno!

Apperiantly kids with purple wearing black hoodies that keep their distance from everyone,wait...and they are likly to shoot up the school,not ALL emos are the same dum dums!

Woo Emos are higher than Preps Jocks Bullies

Who else here likes fallout boy?

2 Mean Math Teachers

Both of my math teachers are awesome, and I love them. What do people have against math anyway?

This stereotype applies to ALL teachers in general

My math teacher is really nice and funny

3 Gamer Kids

There's this one kid who is the biggest gamer I have ever met! He is so obsessed with games, it's basically all he talks about! Nice kid, though!

A kid in my class plays video games on his computer during breaks

Kids who care more about games than grades

4 Bullies

Not all schools have these in my school we never bullied just silly teasing

Most worst thing in school!

5 Socials
6 Fights

Every school has one fight

My school has a ton of them

7 Popular Girls

I just have those girls who shows off her beauty and bully other student, that's unbearable!

I'm a popular boy. So stop saying we are brainless loser

8 All Schools Have Tutoring

Not all schools have tutorials

9 Coaches are Mean

Coachs yell a lot? Nope

10 Black Kids are All Ghetto

Some act white. I'm black but I act mixed. I act white sometimes but act black when I'm mad.

This one is racist

The Contenders
11 Jocks
12 Nerds

Me in a nutshell

13 Social Justice Warriors

My American History/English teacher is one

14 Weaboos
15 School Lunches are Typically Bad

We don't have these in Australia so I can neither confirm nor deny this!

We either go put to a restaurant or bring lunch from home

The lunches in my high school are delicious

16 Bronies A brony is an adult male fan of the Hasbro animated series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The fandom gained enormous popularity during the 2010s.
17 Aggies
18 Tiny Lockers

The lockers at my middle school were big

19 Cheerleaders
20 Smoking High School Kids
21 The 'hard' Group
22 The Lovebirds
23 The Prankers
24 The Losers
25 White kids are always good
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