Signs You Make Bad Lists

The Top Ten
1 You made this list

Get it? Because this is a bad list!

2 All of your lists have the same items
3 You have duplicate lists with different names
4 Your lists are too specific

Top 10 Blonde Females Who Died at the Age of 23. Yeah, that is a bad list.

5 You make bad lists about other users

I thought the admin got his power of security of approval under control and well managed on every "worst" lists about users which he puts upon effort to make this website a gleefully one under strings of warmth and comfort- Kevinsidis

6 You make lists about why you are better than everyone

Top 10 Reasons Why TheFourthWorld is Better than All of You. That's just narcissistic.

It's called a joke.

7 You make lists about a fight you aren’t involved in
8 You put items on a list that are almost the same
9 You copy other people’s lists on purpose
10 You copy lists from other resources
The Contenders
11 You focus on quantity over quality
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