Top Ten Worst Ways of Trolling on TheTopTens that Don't Troll Specific People

Trolling has become popular on TheTopTens thanks to even non-troll users promoting it. Non-trolls keep telling you that trolling is "funny" and it is enjoyable to upset people and communities. This fashion results in lots of amateurs making failed attempts at trolling that result in being pathetic and facepalm-inducing instead of controversial and partially funny. Let's look how not to troll.
The Top Ten
1 Expressing unpopular opinions

This behaviour started with BarneyTheDinosaurRocks who did it for the first time and it was still funny for some people. Now saying Justin Bieber is the best singer ever or Iron Maiden sucks makes it obvious that you are a troll (it also depicts the sad fact that on TheTopTens, anyone hating Iron Maiden can only be a troll because if is your honest opinion you ought not to tell it).

Actually back then this was the fun part of trolling, but now it is overdone and not funny anymore

2 Claiming you are superior to everyone else

This is very typical predictable troll behaviour. Even if it wasn't known to be such, it still wouldn't upset anyone. Just think about yourself: are you provoked by someone saying he's better than everyone? No, you only feel sorry for him.

The only troll who does this in a good way that I know is the almighty Thebestuser

3 Saying admin sucks

Most of the people reading these lines probably notice some intended relation between admin jokes and the man shown on the left but do they care? You can call admin everything, a loser, a vampire, a dictator or even a naked mole rat, you can advertise on your profile that you are a freedom fighter against admin, all you will achieve is either a suspension, a groan or nothing at all.

Imagine defending terrible administration.

Imagine liking the current admin.

Hating admin =/= trolling

4 Joking about celebrity deaths

Other than this being unethic even by troll standards, by this time the community has realised that people only do this for the sake of trolling and stopped giving angry responses not to satisfy the troll.

What does an image of Grim have to do about this

What's with the Billy and Mandy picture

Remember when this was a big deal?

5 Acting like you're drunk or high

Most of the people who write replies like "were you stoned when you did this" don't even know what it's like to be stoned. Well, I don't know it either so I let the pleasure of commenting on this item to the wide variety of TheTopTens users who have tried out these guilty necessities.

How would you know if they weren't?

6 Acting like you're a satanist

This website has gone to the degree where being is a satanist is rather an expectation than a way to troll people.

Maybe they are

7 Acting like you're four year old

There are two types of four year olds on the internet:
1. the ones who are four years old
2. the ones who aren't four years old. They sometimes accidentally make a sentence that actually makes sense and appear as trolls/flamers instead of real toddlers.

Four-year olds cannot type on a keyboard though

8 Making up conspiracy theories about the lack of freedom of speech
9 Saying you're not trolling multiple times

Why would anybody who is not a troll repeat this a lot?
1. the second sentence is false
2. the first sentence is true

10 Always saying how terrible Imagine Dragons is

Well, we can't help it since Imagine Dragons is downright awful in every way, never been such a bad album as Origins, even Radioactive, their best song, is still painfully terrible to listen to more than 10 seconds of. It's not trolling to simply have the correct opinion on something.

Don't you think I'll leave this out. Origins is the worst album of 2018, Imagine Dragons is the worst band ever, Imagine Dragons's fanbase is the worst fanbase ever, the [insert how many songs Imagine Dragons has]th worst song in the world is Imagine Dragons's best song etc. This is like a gag or catchphrase in a T.V. show that has run for too long and has become predictable

Thanks for proving you're literally triggered by my existence with this item.

I think this are just opinions. I mean this item.

The Contenders
11 Say things such as cartoons and video games are worse than people dying

So people apparently believe that bad games and shows are worse than death? They're technically saying that they would rather die in a deadly event like 9/11 than watch/play a game/show they don't like!

How are crappy games and cartoons like Fallout 76 and Teen Titans Go worse than 9/11 and WWII? Oh wait they aren't! No one died when the former 2 released. People died when the latter 2 happened!

12 Spam voting

Spam voting doesn't always have to be considered as trolling.

13 Adding troll items
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