Top 10 Things YouTube Should Do in 2018

The Top Ten
1 Ban Logan Paul

Both Logan and Jake should be banned.

Logan and Jake Are Spoiled Brats!

2 Ban Jake Paul
3 Ban Matpat

This arrogant idiot should be banned! He is manipulative, encouraged his fans to attack Ellen Degeneres, plagiarized the Rosalina unmasked theory, and doesn’t even make good content! It’s obvious that he cherry picks evidence and if you don’t believe me just watch Mario is mental.

4 Remove Pornographic Videos by YouTubers that Claim to Be 'Child-Friendly'

Ban all of the people who puts shrek on their videos.

5 Remove Ads

We would all love this, but technically without ads, we would have no youtube

Just use youtube red!

6 Make Reaction Videos Illegal

Sure, some of these are inane and cringeworthy, but banning all of them is definitely too far. They're a fun and harmless way to share laughs and banter so long as they're not making fun of sensitive issues.

"Listen, ma'am, making bad videos online isn't a federal crime, nor is it punishable by death penalty."
"It wasn't even transformative of the original material, he just sat there in the bottom left corner looking like Sid from Ice Age."

What? I love reaction videos, as long as its not a reaction to something dumb. They are funny.

Boring stuff like 'X YouTuber reacts to X episode of X show'. If you want me to watch your channel, upload the actual episode. I don't care about your reaction.

7 Ban DaddyOFive

He has some serious problems. Like seriously, this guy's a mental nutcase to the max!

8 Remove 2 girls 1 cup from the internet forever

2g1c is the most disgusting video I have ever watched in my whole entire life. don't LOOK IT UP, YOU WILL BE SCARRED FOR EVER. It should be banned... - Swampert02

It faded, it's not that popular anymore, so it's basically gone.

9 Remove Racist Videos by YouTubers that Claim to Be 'Child-Friendly'
10 Ban Music video ads

There's clearly no need for music videos to be advertised on youtube!

The Contenders
11 Ban Vine users

Nah I like my boi Josh Kennedy

12 Make Offline Videos Storage Bigger
13 Allow people not signed in to comment

I don't know really, but MAYBE

14 Remove the 'Videos for Children' that are extremely weird, creepy and generally screwed up

The Elsa gets pregnant videos, those are trash.

15 Ban Michael Bruja and prevent him from coming back.

If anyone wants to know who this guy is, he's someone who is extremely prejudice towards tons of races and religions including(but not limited to) Jews, Asians, Hispanics, African Americans and is homosexual. On top of that, he is homophobic and used the "n" word many times and believes slavery shouldn't have been abolished. It also gets worse than that. He made fun of an incident where 2 kids put a cat in a washer. He also claims to beat his wife and claims women are inferior and claims to be a teacher who paid his students to beat up a Hispanic student, which would get him arrested and prohibited from having another job with children. He's also glad that child molestation happens and believes fathers should use it as punishment, even for the smallest mistake. He even thinks events like 9/11. the holocaust, the list goes on, aren't big deal. Recently, he also posted on a video showing the news of the death of a child whose parents deprived him of water that the child died because he ...more

16 Ban Clickbait Videos
17 Keep 5 second skipping on ads
18 Ban Jacksfilms

This is just stupid. Jackfilms is funny and the most underrated youtuber. His content is pretty decent. He doesn't deserved to get banned.

What's so bad about about him?

19 Stop demonetizing all of Onision's videos

Last time I saw he had about 63 pages of demonetized videos, that's a LOT

20 Be more careful with demonetization
21 Bring back Scare Pewdiepie Season 2
22 Ban Supermariologan

This needs to happen in 2019.

23 Punish Corporations That Unfairly Demonetize Videos

Jeremy Jahns doesn't even use video clips in his reviews and yet Universal Studios (ZEFR) keeps demonetizing the videos he makes. He's not the only one either. Pewdiepie, Chris Stuckmann and even smaller channels like Tyler Calvert who haven't even hit one thousand subs yet. Anyone who talks about their movies gets punished. The only way they're going to stop is when they actually get in trouble for it.

24 Remove the I fink U freeky music video
25 Ban SofloAntonio
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