Top Ten Most Controversial Total Drama Episodes

Episodes that got controversy of Total Drama, either for being inappropriate, or just plain awful. I'd recommend you to watch the whole series and not watch the episodes alone, because you have to watch them in order.
The Top Ten
1 X-Treme Torture

When I saw this episode with my Older Brother, he freaked out. (Don't worry, I was 10). But he tried to convince not to watch Total Drama until I turned 11. That backfired terribly, and I still watched it. And when my mom saw it, she didn't care that much. She only made me promise not to repeat it.

Lots of quotes in this episode were inappropriate, and were the main reason Total Drama Island got so much controversy. Also, Heather's breasts got exposed to the whole cast. It's a great episode, but can seem a bit South Park-ish for a second.

2 The Final Wreck-ening

That's not even mentioning the fact that a case of Multiple Personality Disorder was cured literally at the push of a button. Unfortunate Implications doesn't even begin to describe that moment.

Probably the worst episode of Total Drama, along with Sundae Muddy Sundae. The "jokes" were corny, 7 or 8 contestants most likely died, and Camp Wawanakwa sunk. I think that's all I need to say.

Although total drama is not actually a real show so we really couldn't expect the show to accurately represent a disorder, this was just insensitive. people who actually have MPD STRUGGLE. they don't get rid of it by the push of a button.

3 Sundae Muddy Sundae

They killed my favorite friendship again. They ruined courtney character. Chis chose to change the rules just for courtney go get voted when she clearly won. Edd mcdonald is mess and nobody can tell me other wise. I'm happy got fired.

The episode has one of the worst challenges of all time, making a sundae. In addition, Courtney gets eliminated, making the finale very obvious. One of the most hated, of not the most hated episode.

Courtney shouldn't have been disgraced like that. She really deserved to win "Total Drama" more than Duncan.

4 That's Off The Chain!

Chris said the last person to cross is eliminated. Yet, in a future episode, he eliminates Jasmine for not crossing the line, even though Sugar was the last of the third. Chris' logic is flawed. Plus, he added that Owen didn't technically cross the finish line, even though he flew across the line.

Lindsay cursing Heather off is arguably one of the best moments on the show. However, to many people, the long censor bleep represented being inappropriate. Cartoon Network censored much of the episode, along with X-Treme Torture.

5 Broadway, Baby!

The episode itself is fine, with the exception of one scene: a scene where Cody is about to fall into Lady Liberty's breasts, and Sierra saves him. In the cockpit, Cody and Chef agree it would have been a good way to die. The scene was banned from the USA, but I've seen it on Netflix (they use the Canadian version)

An entire scene if this episode was cut out in the USA for defiling the Statue of Liberty and being inappropriate.

6 Lies, Cries, and One Big Prize

Why isn't this higher? This episode for some reason features Dave again after being eliminated and completely stomps our everything left of what's good in Dave. For the most part I didn't really like Dave at all since he was just a whiny pessimistic brat, complained about everything, annoying to the max, and was never happy with anything. In here he acts like a whiny piss baby and blows up over Sky having a boyfriend, and literally tried to MURDER her on live TV and that brought out the absolute worst on this character.

7 Rock N' Rule

As much as I see how people could say Duncan should have been eliminated here, I I personally think that another character, not Lindsay nor Duncan, should have left at this point. In fact, I think Lindsay and Duncan should have been the fanale.

The character I wish went home this episode is...


She should have went home this episode. She had no right to be in the fanale. I think it was Beth's fault for distracting Lindsay.

It should have went like this:
Beth, Harold, and Lindsay made the deal to vote Duncan off, but Duncan and Courtney both vote for Beth. Then Lindsay accidentally votes for Beth.

I think I would have enjoyed this better

8 I See London

That was sad to see Courtney getting cheated on don't get me wrong duncney was a very toxic relationship so that was good they were done for but that did not mean Duncan had to cheat! They could have just talked it out so Duncan cheated because he was a bad boy Courtney was bad girlfriend and for Gwen instead of her rejecting the kiss she just joined in which was very wrong and her friendship with Courtney was done oh but in all stars they became friends again! Only for them to become enemies again! Why did they have to do That?! say agreed with Nina if u agree!

9 3:10 To Crazytown

Another dud episode of Total Drama Action, this one has the controversy of Gwen dumping Trent, then telling the other team to vote him off (he was throwing challenges for her). I feel really sorry for Trent in this episode because he was trying to do something nice for Gwen, but she dumps him because of that (but the 9 joke, and Duncan's influence is also why).

10 The Obsta-Kill Kourse

The Treatment of Alejandro Pisses Me Off! Mal is super unlikeable and Zoey is dumber than ever before. This is a clear example of the writers dumbing down everyone to make Mal look more intimidating. At least Zoey said she was gonna inspect Mal. Finally!

Okay. I know this is a very unpopular opinion, I actually think that this is worse than Sundae Muddy Sundae. You guys/girls explained this very well.

I guess you can say Alejandro deserved the treatment that he got. I could only say that if I ignored the fact that he was trapped in a robot suit.

The Contenders
11 The Bold And The Booty-ful

The episode in between the two disgraces in Total Drama (Sundae Muddy Sundae and The Final Wreck-ening) looks like gold compared to the worst episodes of the series, but it's terrible compared to others. The controversy comes from two butt jokes inserted in the episode. How desperate were the writers?

They need more flirtatious humor.

12 The Aftermath: IV

I actually like this episode, but on one condition, Duncan must win. For the guy and anyone who got the Beth ending, I am so sorry. I not a worker for Fresh but I am just saying because she's a bad character. I think Beth deserved the fanale less than Courtney did, then again I do like Courtney. I think Beth was the worst this season and Duncan was the best.

Harold and Lindsay could have been a better final two than Duncan and Beth.

In the US and Canada, we get a horrible person as the season winner.

13 Mo' Monkey Mo' Problems

Sugar, if you wanted your team to win, why did you get Ella eliminated?

Ella's elimination was downright cruel.

14 You Regatta Be Kidding Me

Duncan's arrest is the single worst moment in Total Drama history

15 The Am-AH-Zon Race

Gwen touched Cody's naked butt. And Cody seemed to enjoy it.

Gwen DID say he wasn't supposed to act like he enjoyed it...

16 Grand Chef Auto

Did not like Mike's elimination very much, but the episode was okay, I guess. I did like to see Mike fight himself and then confess his love for Zoey. That part was cute.

17 Greece's Pieces

This would most likely be my number one controversial episode because I felt really bad for Courtney and Gwen too because Gwen did show guilt on her face! Also how come only Gwen got hate it should have been Duncan because he did the kiss yet he got no hate whatsoever!

Cody throwing Duncan the KO punch was pretty awesome, not gonna lie.

18 The Big Sleep

The word "damn" was not meant as a swear. Chris was trying to make a pun by saying the beaver could make a "dam" good hat. Like the beaver dam. I can see why people don't like it though.

19 Not So Happy Campers - Part 1

To many voice cracks.
Also lame editing fails

20 No One Eggspects The Spanish Opposition

I'm quite shocked when Alejandro steal McLean-Brand Head from Heather and use it to get her eliminated.

21 Hook, Line, and Screamer

I really liked this episode but the only reason this is here is because Chris kicks off DJ. DJ is an awesome character. Not one camper did not like him. Even Heather joined the group hug as he is eliminated. I think Owen or someone should have gone instead because he was the first one there

22 Scarlett Fever

Here is a loophole when max tricked Scarlett . Scarlett believed it was chris only to be tricked by max but it was clearly obvious it was a robot and also Scarlett is a super genius! So if she is a super genius why was she nit able to tell it was a robot?

It didn't make a lot of sense that Scarlett got eliminated, because since when would Chris eliminate a violent psychopath? He's had Izzy and Mal, so why not Scarlett? Also, he brings Ezekiel back a few times even though he's practically a zombie! Max should have been the only one eliminated.

23 Basic Straining
24 A Pole Lot of Trouble
25 Trust Your Butt
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