Top Ten Worst Things About Warrior Cats

The Top Ten
1 It's overrated

It's all OVER the place. While being everywhere doesn't make something bad, the exposure of this series has gone WAY out of hand. Not as much as MLP though.

Yes, it is! I don't even understand anything about this series!

2 Everybody keeps dying

Oh, you're going to love Wings Of Fire.

3 There are too many books

36 BOOKS?! Are you kidding me?!

4 The fandom
5 People won't shut up about it
6 The authors catering to the fandom

They have been doing this since the impostor situation. It's grating, and ruins good writing. I write a story the way I want, not what the readers want. Sure, it causes controversy. But

7 Flanderization of Ashfur
8 The characters are unlikeable

I don't get the appeal behind Scourge in particular. He's just a cliched villain with a generic backstory. Plus, Crowfeather had a much worse past and she remained one of the heroes.

9 Bramblestar having 'PTSD'

As someone who is showing signs of it, this is just INSULTING. Who thought it was a good idea to write PTSD this way?

10 Squirrelflight becoming leader
The Contenders
11 Uses too many complicated words

Wait, isn't this a kids' series? Would kids even know what those words meant?

12 Code changes

I hate the direction the new books are going in. There was a reason that the warrior code was like that: to stop cats from being sensual. And because the fandom complained, the writers changed the code. I am so sick of fanservice at this point!

13 Forbidden love

As much as I love WC, I'd like to see some relationships that AREN'T forbidden in the new series.

The most overused plot cliche in the entire series.

14 The plot
15 Too much fighting
16 Character relationships

The "forbidden" ones especially.

17 The descriptions of dead bodies

Why do we need to know that?

18 The characters have no development
19 ThunderClan is always the hero and ShadowClan is always evil
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