Best Matches of Wrestlemania 24

The Top Ten
1 The Undertaker Vs Edge- World Heavyweight Championship

Edge brought his A game. A good main event from both.

2 Ric Flair Vs Shawn Michaels - Retirement Match

Emotional. This match has to be one of Ric Flair's greatest of all time. That moonsault Shawn did was brutal. I've replayed it numerous times. A great way to say goodbye to the nature boy.

3 Money In The Bank Ladder Match

One of the greatest ladder matches I've ever seen. Shelton is insane.

4 Randy Orton Vs Triple H Vs John Cena - WWE Championship
5 Big Show Vs Floyd "Money" Mayweather
6 Finlay Vs JBL - Belfast Brawl

Damn! Finlay can take a beating. Great way to start Wrestlemania.

7 Batista Vs Umaga - Battle For Brand Supremacy

That Batista Bomb was a little awkward.

8 Kane Vs Chavo Guerrero - ECW Championship

Fast match, as predicted. Seconds actually.

9 Playboy Bunny Tag Team Match

They should have taken this off the card and made one of the main events longer or put the battle royal as part of the ppv event.

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