Top 10 Best Call of Duty Zombies Guns

The Top Ten
Thunder Gun

Unupgraded, it's the best. Upgraded, it's even better. This gun literally sends the zombies flying away, which is great when you're surrounded. It's also quite easy to obtain, so what's not to love?

That gun saved my life so many times. It's also an awesome gun for training. It keeps working past 100 rounds and deals a lot of damage.

How to save a life! Easy, get the Thunder Gun.


The amount of ammo this gun has is ridiculous. With its fire rate, it basically becomes a laser. It can slay zombies on any round with no problem.

Simply the greatest gun in the history of Call of Duty. It speaks for itself.

This thing is legendary. When I first got it on Der Riese, I was filled with joy. Seven years later, it still brings me to tears when I get it in Gorod Krovi.


I have to agree. This is the second-best Zombies assault rifle, behind the AN-94. I have no idea why the AN-94 is not on this list. The Galil has great damage and great ammo, and in both Black Ops games, it can kick some serious ass. I'm always happy to see this thing come out of the box.

The Galil is a miracle worker when it comes to headshots and zombie train control. It just mows them down. It works well past wave 40-50, depending on your skill and weapon preferences.

This thing has a lot of ammo, and it's very powerful for a non-wonder weapon. You're never unhappy about getting it.

Wunderwaffe DG-2

This should easily be in first place. Those who didn't vote for this have clearly never used it. It literally has infinite damage and kills all the zombies around you just by shooting it anywhere in the area. It's the most satisfying thing to see and hear.

I mean, believe me... I love the Wunderwaffe. It's always been my favorite Call of Duty Zombies weapon in all of Zombies history. But do you really think the Wunderwaffe is the second-best gun? I'm not sure about that, guys.

I love to Pack-A-Punch this gun, then train with it on higher rounds. Then, bzzzt, all the zombies get electrocuted and fall to the ground. Simply beautiful. We all let out a little cry when we get this from the box.


It's a beast. It has a medium reload time, acts like a monkey bomb when Pack-A-Punched, and has high damage. It's a one-shot kill up to rounds 15-20, and it takes two shots to kill Brutus until round 20, even when not Pack-A-Punched. With Speed Cola and Double Tap Root Beer, it is flawless.

Best gun when packed in Zombies, especially with Speed Cola and Double Tap Root Beer!

Best gun. It has ammo, damage, fire rate, and reload time - it's got it all.

Ray Gun Mark II

Good, but I think the original Ray Gun is better. The Mark II has no splash damage but runs out of ammo pretty fast.

Wave Gun

This thing is better than the Thundergun. It has better range, always kills, and never has a dud shot. Plus, the Zappers are better than the Ray Gun because they don't have damage drop-off. Nobody appreciates this weapon even though it's better than two Wonder Weapons, and it's just one gun! #WaveGun#1

The Thunder Gun is number one, but this does everything the Thunder Gun does plus even more.


The best assault rifle in Call of Duty Zombies history. It has great damage, better than the Galil and Commando, and comes with 650 rounds when upgraded. This gun is a powerhouse. It's a shame it's only available in Die Rise and Buried. The gun feels so smooth, and I always choose it in either Buried or Die Rise any day of the week over the Galil and even the LSAT. It basically has the same ammo (just 50 less), is lighter, and has a five times faster reload. This gun needs to be recognized.

The best non-Wonder Weapon gun in the history of Zombies. When upgraded with Double Tap 2.0 and the Headshot Perma Perk, it is a one-shot kill to the head until round 25! What other full-auto or even sniper rifle can do this? It's also a wall buy with 650 rounds!

STG-44 (Origins)

The Newcomers

? Apothicon Servant
The Contenders
Ray Gun

Semi-auto and does a lot of damage. It also gets points and kills. Plus, it's fast and keeps working past 50 rounds.

Good, but the only problem is the splash damage. However, if you play on any map with PhD Flopper, you'll be good for the game.


Amazing. Just the perfect fire rate with really good damage. It's a beast overall.


This should be higher on the list - not number one, but at least higher than where it is. This thing can kill a whole train of zombies, man. It's great, but it's not a great panic weapon because it kills kind of slowly.

A must-have on Die Rise. It's always a one-hit kill and super effective with a lot of zombies in a train.

Staff of Ice

This is the best staff in the game. It is more powerful than the Wind and Lightning Staffs, and it doesn't crash your game like the Fire Staff can.

You can literally sit inside its charged shot, and all the zombies die around you. Why is this not in the top 5?

Staff of Fire

Great weapon, but not the best staff. In my opinion, the Lightning Staff is superior, but the Fire Staff should still be in the top 10. The Fire Staff is a solid choice, especially if someone else takes the Lightning.

Great for training with good ammo. It would rank higher, but it's not a box gun.


Line them up and put them down with the Drakon. With ELO, Pack-A-Punch, and Double Tap, you are set for rounds beyond 30.

In my opinion, this is the best sniper in Zombies because of its high damage. It's a one-hit kill for a while, and it's semi-auto, unlike the Locus and SVG.


This gun is very powerful and fast-paced for an LMG. Personally, I think it has good recoil and handling in Origins. It's a great gun that was based on a weapon used in the war.


Good as hell! It has infinite ammo, and if used in bursts, it never has to cool down. This should be higher, like in the top 7 or so.


Best gun in Call of Duty Zombies history. Why is it 35th?

Staff of Lightning

This is amazing! It's a great panic weapon with the fastest fire rate and kills lots of zombies.

I would say this is at least in the top 10.


Honestly, the M16 is really good, but when it is Pack-A-Punched, even with grenades, it seems to get worse. It's a great wall weapon in Tranzit because you can camp and train near that wall weapon.

Haymaker 12

Good, but it runs out of ammo too fast. I don't know how people don't notice that fact. I think that the 205 Brecci, when Pack-A-Punched, is better. It doesn't waste ammo nearly as fast and has higher damage, so the 205 is better than the Haymaker.

I kind of like it. It mows down hordes, but after that, you have no ammo.


Why is this so low? I love pistols because you can use them when down. I at least have to have one pistol in the two or three guns I have.

You can't protect the person reviving you with the starting pistol and one or two shots on most rounds. I love it when the PAP-ed Cobra becomes a beast.

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