Top Ten Items of Stationery That Are Harmful

The Top Ten
1 Sharpened Pencils

As lethal as a dagger.

2 Scissors

They are very sharp. Those blades

Watch out for those blades!

3 A Pair of Compasses

I've drawn blood with these. They should only be handled by mathematicians, and maybe trainee surgeons.

You know, like the tool you use to draw circles? That metal point does look sharp.

4 A Pencil Sharpener

More sharp blades. Don't get your finger too close! Ouch!

5 Pens

Sharp and will probably give you ink poisoning, I'm not sure.

6 Tippex

I heard it's flammable... hopefully nobody carries around a lighter with them 24/7!

7 Glue

What if it accidentally goes into someone's mouth and they swallow it? That would be bad.

8 Ruler

Sharpen the end and you have a good weapon! But seriously, don't do this.

9 Rubber Bands

Essential for catapults, or a well-aimed shot will do the trick!

10 Papercutter
The Contenders
11 Calculator

Just don't throw it at anyone.

12 Divider
13 Set Square
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