Top Ten Household Objects You Probably Have Too Many Of
I know I'm no exception when I say that people tend to hoard things. We may not always realize we're doing it, but the idea of throwing something away "that might be useful someday" can be quite uncomfortable to some. I was raised in a household that didn't have tons of money so I'm someone who doesn't waste things when possible. The problem is, it's possible too often. This is the top ten list of things you've most likely got too many of in your home.We're well past the age where the primary way to watch movies at home is through store-bought discs. Now, you have your Netflix, Disney Plus, Prime Video, HBO Max, Paramount+, Shudder, Peacock, Crave, Funimation, Crunchyroll, Vudu, Hulu, Crackle, and Tubi accounts, and you're not turning back. So what's up with that shelf full of movies? The next place they're likely going is either the garbage bin or the local Goodwill, not inside your disc player, which is probably just as dust-covered as the discs.
You can never have too many DVDs in your DVD collection, especially if you watch all of them on a device with a DVD player.
Thankfully, the days of taking home groceries in disposable plastic bags seem to be numbered, as supermarkets and department stores worldwide are beginning to make an effort to be more environmentally friendly. Still, chances are you've probably got a giant ball of these bags stuffed into a cupboard somewhere in your kitchen. Why? I don't know. I have tons, and I never use them.
Honestly, having any plastic bags is too many, in my opinion (I myself have far too many). There are a ton of reusable items and other materials that you can use for bags, which are less polluting.
Don't lie and tell me you don't have way too many clothes. I'm a guy, and I even have this problem. There are dozens of t-shirts in my closet that have either never fit me, never looked good, or have weathered beyond the point of being wearable. I seriously need to get rid of so many shirts, and I'm sure you have plenty to rid yourself of as well.
Somehow, I never have enough clothes. It's more that I'm too lazy to do the laundry often than that I lack clothes.
Clothes are a basic need, so it's unavoidable to have plenty of them.
In most cases, you can't buy just one. However, when you do, you're likely going to spend more per container than you would if you bought them in a multi-pack. So next to your cupboard full of plastic bags, you probably have another cupboard full of these containers. Unless you're planning to hold multiple picnics with the in-laws and grandparents attending every year, you're probably not going to need most of those.
There are many containers, especially for different types.
I'm as sentimental as the next person, maybe even more so. I admit to having boxes and boxes of things from my childhood. I'm talking toys, books, old VHS home movies, and even schoolwork from my elementary and high school days. Sure, some of it is worth keeping. I have a lot of memories tucked away in those boxes, but most of it I'll probably never look at again or even remember if it's thrown out or donated.
I'm sure you, or your parents, have done the same when it comes to holding onto your hopefully mostly positive childhood memories. Just know that it might be best if you slimmed down the stockpile a bit. Stick to the main things and purge the rest. Your basement, attic, and/or garage will thank you.
Also not an issue for me. I don't even own a proper pair of winter boots. I walk around 12 months a year in the same pair of running shoes until they are absolutely destroyed. But I know I am a major outlier in that respect. I've known my fair share of people who have more shoes than their entire family has feet. And to those people, I ask: why?
I own three pairs of Vans, a pair of knee-high Converse, and some rain boots. I don't think that's too much.
Okay, maybe having too many books isn't as much of a problem as some of the other items on this list. Reading is a much-encouraged activity that few would look down on you for making a regular thing. Still, if you include reading on your list of preferred off-work activities, you likely have amassed a grand selection of these things. And, as I'm sure is the case with most people, once you read a book, you're probably not going to read it again (unless it's 'The Lord of the Rings' or something that is very revisitable). So, you might want to consider donating that copy of 'Chicken Soup for the Teenage Barber's Daughter with a Love of Ducks' Soul' that you have for some reason.
Who doesn't like flavor? When I cook for myself, I want to actually taste my food. A plain Jane chicken breast needs something to make it worth eating if that's what I'm having for dinner. So, maybe that means BBQ sauce, balsamic vinegar, lemon and herb seasoning, or some kind of marinade.
I wish I had seven fridges and three hundred kitchen cupboards to keep all these tasty additives in, but I have a small kitchen and I need to store my plates and cups too. Even if that means they're sharing space with my spices because I have way too many. Honestly, folks, stick to the condiments and spices that you know you like and will use. That paprika wasting space in your spice rack and that garlic aioli you never touch probably aren't the necessities you think they are.
Even before you get rid of all those shirts, dresses, and sweaters that are taking up three-quarters of your closet, you likely still have too many hangers. These come in varying colors, sizes, and materials. That likely includes those subpar Walmart hangers that you can choose to keep when you buy from them. Again, you figure they'll come in handy at the time, right? Well, once you've thrown out all those outdated and ill-fitting garments, you're REALLY going to have too many of these lying around. The way I see it, you have two options: either give them away with the clothes or take up coat hanger sculpture-making.
This one doesn't apply to me (I've never been one to wear chains or rings, and I've never been pierced anywhere or intend to be), but I know it has to be a reality for many of you. Any person who enjoys accessorizing is likely going to keep finding new bracelets, rings, necklaces, and/or piercings at the mall or online, and will want to keep buying them. Even though any specific person probably only really needs a handful of these kinds of things (again, this is coming from someone who doesn't partake - so forgive me if my opinion is "wrong").
The Newcomers
I have a bunch of VHS tapes from older movies, but I don't even own a VCR anymore.
And yet, there are people who still own them.
I can't be the only one whose mother and grandmother have way too many Christmas decorations for any sane person. I'm no Grinch, but there's a fine line when it comes to holiday decorations.