Worst Things About My Little Pony Fandom

This fandom is NOT friendly, unlike the show itself
The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on.
The Top Ten
1 They like to send death threats to people who dislike the franchise
2 They also attack others' opinions of disliking it too
3 Pony fetish art everywhere on Deviantart and Derpibooru
4 Ponyfy everything

They ruined FNAF,BATIM,Marvel,DC,League Of Legends,Fortnite.I wish this shhow never existed in the first place.

5 They don't like MLP, they love and worship it
6 Like certain furries, they create pornographic content of the ponies and some other-species characters in the show
7 They make Cringe compilations out of people who hate it
8 It even flooded the Google Image search to the point where searching "pony" always brings up several images of the characters instead of actual ponies
9 Since they are part of TheTopTens Fandom, they will use cancer and autism to anyone who hates the show
10 Shipping wars everywhere!