Top Ten Most Overrated Things in High School

The Top Ten
1 Popularity

Yeah, it's great that you're oh so popular and everyone loves you now, but the sad truth is that the entire building will probably forget about you after you graduate, and that's also when popularity means nothing anymore. (Not that it ever did)

Stupid Hollywood capitalist culture promoting competition, just ignore it. It won't save you from the streets.

Why do people worry so much about popularity? It's not like it will matter when you're out of high school.

At the end of the day, who cares. People make big deal out of it.

2 Football

It dominates every other sport

3 Prom

Especially the girls, buying insanely expensive ( yet pretty,..not a jerk) dresses only to be worn once.

I plan to go in jeans and a t-shirt,then eat the entire buffet (If my cheap school actually provides one,which I highly doubt.)

And also after proms

4 Eoc/Act Test
5 Student Council/President

Why is this here? these are good! They help solve problems!

In high school, my friends and I started a student council just to complain about our special ed homeroom teacher. Here's a typical meeting:

Me: We are sick and tired of the way our teacher treats us
Friends: yeah!
Me: She is so mean and yells at us all the time
Friend #1: I agree. She yelled at me for doing my work!
Friend #2: her voice is scary
Friend #3: I got in trouble for asking to use the bathroom!
Me: We got to do something! If not, she'll torture us forever!
Friend #1: She is such an a**!
Me: EXACTLY! We are all gonna put an end to this. Who's with me?
Friends: YEAH!

All it is a glorified popularity contest. I mean honestly..when was the last time you actually listened to what the canidates had the say?

6 Dating

Can't we just focus on education so that we have a better future? Plus school has a lot of interesting things that spices up school life. Plus friendship with opposite sexes are not restricted to dating or love.
Anyway, these dates are just clones of Sweatshirt's music video, only the scene is outside of school.

Love in high school is overrated. It won't last.

7 Drug Testing
8 Homecoming Parade
9 Weights Class

Every guy in any sport in there, thinks its important and better than everything else. Oh you can squat 350 lbs? Cool, now put it to work. Go pick up 50-80 lbs square hay bales on a truck pulled wagon in 100 degree heat with no wind in July and stack them on top of each other and continuously get on and off the wagon and do that all afternoon. THEN, go To a barn and stack them in a near 50 ft high pyramid style in the corner and carry them up to the top in a near 125 degree roof. Lets see how strong you really are!

This isn't overrated, it;s useful to have muscles and excersize is good for the body, soul and mind

10 Homecoming
The Contenders
11 Spirit Week
12 Pep Rallies
13 Student Dances
14 Plays/Musical

All the plays are either reenactments of kids' cartoons, movies, famous novels, or Broadway musicals.

15 Track
16 Special Ed

Trust me. It's horrible to be in. I know you're probably thinking that we do nothing but a few easy social skills worksheets but you're wrong. Imagine having the same work as everyone else but being stuck with people screaming about stuff with the teacher making no effort to calm them down. Imagine fights every other period and you're the only one making an effort to make sure everyone is happy and safe. Imagine a teacher SUPPORTING A COMPANY THAT BASICALLY WANTS TO ERASE YOU FROM THE GENE POOL! And on top of that you get bullied because you're stuck in that class and people dismiss it as "easy". It's the equivalent to trying to do your homework while your family's fighting loudly and they hate you and so does the rest of the world just because you exist.

17 Homecoming Kings and Queens
18 Romance

This is overrated in general, irl too. Though it works for some people.

19 Homework
20 P.E.
21 Furries
22 Fitness Tests
23 Math
24 SATs
25 The ACT
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