Top Ten Most Overwhelming School Subjects

Top five worst school subjects. (by the way, Overwhelm is a synonym for worst, if you didn't know. )
The Top Ten
1 Mathematics

I beat myself up because I used to have a C+, but then the hellish nightmare called fractions gave me a D+.


It's not that bad, the only thing is that it is hard.

Many Asians find Mathematics easy.

2 Language Arts
3 History

History sucked when I was a kid, especially learning about WWI.

4 Science

Why would people want to learn how plants grow, or how the planets work? It does nothing to you in life.

Screw you all saying science sucks!

5 Social Studies / Integrated Studies

Plain Boring and Pointless.

6 Robotics
7 French
8 Chemistry
9 English
10 Woodworking
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