Reasons Why Anime Sucks

Do you hate anime? Well so do I and here are my reasons.
The Top Ten
1 Fanboys

The majority of the anime community are not creepy Weeaboos that have weird fetishes and kill those who disagree with them. Watch all the famous anime you tubers; they have all denounced such behaviour. A very small part of the anime community actually consists of them, and it is merely because "they are the extremists and therefore they are newsworthy" that you have such a huge misconception about anime. As an anime fan who watches at least 10 episodes a week, sometimes binging entire series, (at least during the summer), I can tell you that Weeaboos who try to hijack the culture of a country who's culture they don't understand disgust me, and I feel like the majorly of the canine community feels the same way that I do. Stop pretending that the extremists are the majority.

I'd like to admit even though I'm a anime fan I don't tend to like the fandom I try to avoid it. That is what I do for every fan-base, I stay away from it. People who are harsh towards haters don't make anything better, but instead make it worse. I think that fan girls and fan boys need to chill out and leave the haters be, but I can't also blame them for it either. Some not all, but some haters think that all fan boys/girls are the same towards anime haters when they aren't and it annoys the fans, because people think like that. And plus some cartoon fans are just like anime fans, so in a way aren't most of us just hypocrites?

2 Unoriginal

Cartoons have way more originality. There's an anthropomorphic bunny who causes mischief, a sea sponge workaholic, a hybrid between a cat and a dog, a bird with a raccoon as his best friend, a menace to society with a Grey Haired Abyssinian Tripe Hound as his best friend, a group of four penguins who go on commando type missions together, etc.

The thing is Anime tries too hard to be real. Each main character usually falls under the same archetype.

I'll admit that the stories are fairly original, but damn, the art style? NAAH. Anime art style is unoriginal to its core. You can almost neverver tell stylistic differences between different anime. The only exception is something like Akira or Miyazaki films. Naruto, Hunter x Hunter, Sword Art Online, Fairy Tale, have unoriginal character designs; they all look the same to me; if I were told that they were all in the same show I would BeLiEvE iT!

What's with all the orphan boy protagonists? I actually don't mind cliches because they can still be great stories with them, but man is the orphan boy cliche annoying.

3 Bad Writing

Anime writing is horrible. The writers do not write plots, they write settings. It is so apparent that they don't actually write plots and kinda just go a course. All you have to do is watch a couple hundred anime's and you've basically seen all of the plots. The only differences between shows are their settings. Its all the same bull and the writing is almost never unique. Despite focusing on settings they have horrible overly complex settings that make no sense. The settings are almost exclusively used to further the plot along. They constantly change the setting and make ridiculous universe rules so to create an artificial plot or tension. Its just not good writing. Sure once in a blue moon their will be a good anime but even then they usually just got lucky. This is why 99% of anime is complete garbage. Anyone who thinks this is good writing must either be a teenager or they have never read a decent book in their lives.

4 Repetition

I don't mind repetition. Nearly all novels use the Hero's Journey (Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Divergent, Percy Jackson, The Mortal Instruments, Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia) and most people love them! It's because of the basic structure that Shounen anime is so successful. One Piece and Naruto both has a main character who starts off near the very bottom and - because of their determination and grit - ends up becoming stronger and stronger, it actually teaches many people to keep on aspiring to become greater, and inspires them to go on even during hardships. Most popular anime uses this structure but they're still very different, with different character that has different personalities, different villains with different end goals, and different themes (dystopian, modern, etc.)

Okay well yeah, tins of anime are super repetitive and makes you think if you should just drop it. But those almost always are only in the 'slice of life' section or 'magical girls' section. MOSTLY okay? I mean, Madoka has an amazing twist in plot. There are many anime with original or pretty original ideas. And it's pretty hard now to not repeat things in anime. Plus the most important thing is to appeal to those weeaboos in the world that actually buy their stuff. I mean, come on, everything's about the profit nowadays...

5 Busty Girls Breasts Seem to Bounce a Lot

Ok if you didn't notice my username, I'm an obvious huge anime fan. (for all you other anime people I hope you understand the reference) But I do have to admit, in some animes they exaggerate the size of girls breasts my a lot. They do often give male viewers fan service, but saying that, they do that for shirtless guys a lot as well. I do admit though, for some of the scenes when they intentionally exaggerate a guy's looks, I enjoy it. (*cough cough* Sebastian) I can see both sides of this argument, but not even I enjoyed the Sebastian sex scene with beast or with the girl at the church. I just think they take it too far often.

Speaking as a girl with large breasts, you obviously have never seen real boobs before because they bounce a lot (lol sometimes I have to hold my boobs just walking down the stairs because they bounce so much). But related to this, even as an anime fan, I have to point out that there is an IMMENSE oversexualization of a woman's body. Shows labled "ecchi", just make gag because that show will literally solely consist of a harem of girls fawning over a guy lacking any personality whatsoever. He will constantly walk in on them naked, followed by a nosebleed and a punch from the girl. At the end he will not be able to decide on any one girl and chooses them all, and they will be OKAY WITH THAT. The end. God that pisses me off...

6 Bad Animation

So many anime fanboys who can't even comprehend the difference between drawing and animation. Drawing involves a still picture; animation involves movement. As far as animation in anime goes; it's pretty horrible. Just think about all the times when a character is talking and they shift to another character who's just standing there or the back of their heads just so they don't need to animate the mouths. Think of all the times when they pan over a still image of the scenery and it's just that, a still image; nothing's moving. Those pictures can be as detailed or pretty as they want (and even then, that's debatable as most characters are so indistinguishable from each other that they need outlandish hair to set them apart), but if the animation sucks, as is often the case in anime, you might as well be watching a slide show with an audio track over it.

7 Cliches

Weird that the previous comment implying that western animation is the state of the art even though the market never extended past children and comedy in the west.
Most anime suffers from the same problem western media does in that its targeting the lowest common denominator (If you don't know what that is then you fit into this category by default) just with a different culture. This means cliches get a pass because inbred's find it funny or relate to it. This leaves everyone else to tolerate the weak writing effectively watering down the experience and making these sections a chore to watch.

All the smaller animes I've seen all have taken place in a high school. All of them had cliche back stories, and all of the main characters were "Extremely Nerdy" Girls apparently NOBODY likes, except for that other nerdy boy nobody likes either. I mean, come on! A lot of Western Animations have that same story, but not as much as Anime does.

8 Weeaboos and Otakus

Yeah, I'm an anime fan, but I hate these people. I really don't like fanbrats, and you will never find fanbrats worse than weeaboos. They're worse than bronies, seriously. Although I like anime, I won't shove my likes down your throat. You're allowed to like what you want, and so am I. We all have opinions. Weeaboos cannot accept opinions. They fly off of the handle just because somebody dislikes anime, and I just want to face-palm. Not everybody's gonna like what you like, so accept that. Anime fans need to stop bashing on anime haters. Anime haters need to stop bashing on anime fans. Learn how to respect opinions and get along, or get off of the internet.

If you describe yourself as either of these then you are the fundamental reason people think anime is a horrific subculture. You're ruining what could be a normal hobby for normal people and instead making up a whole subculture for it, when one already exists in Japan. The people that use these labels tend to make up their own meaning for these things even though they have extremely negative intentions in the culture they're trying to mimic.

9 Boring

The action gives me a headache. The girls are sex objects. I hate being forced to read subtitles rather than actually hearing the words spoken in English. The subtitles also give me a headache. Let me just say that anime is really headache inducing. Also, I haven't seen ONE funny thing said on ANY anime. Boring and pathetic. I don't see why anyone likes this garbage of a cartoon.

P.S.) Let me just say that most of the comments are fangirls coming here to bash the ONE LIST that us anime haters have. Can we just have ONE LIST you annoying fangirls. You all think it's ok to bash cartoons like Spongebob or South Park. Those are good shows. For the record, anime is also a cartoon so can you please listen to your hypocritical words when you say that cartoons are bad. Don't you dare say that I have never seen an anime before. I have actually TRIED to watch anime but I just couldn't. Like I said, it is headache inducing.

10 Hentai

I very much agree- hentai and anime are two very DIFFERENT things. Honestly, hentai is BETTER than porn- it's not the actual thing and feels less graphic.

It's like saying movies are bad because porn is bad, as the other user said. But everybody still watches movies. There's inappropriate content in movies and cartoons, as there can be in anime. So why does everyone only bash anime and mostly the only people bashing cartoons are anime fans? Manga is the book, and I'm willing to bet over half the teenage section at the library has more inappropriate content than the manga there. With all the describing of this or that or someone stupid love triangle or unrequited love that's exaggerated, you'd think the whole teenage section is trashy romance novels. I'm not saying this stuff doesn't happen, but not as often as those novels and it gives teenagers false hopes.

Anime and manga are no worse than American cartoons, movies, or teenage novels. Yes, I know some anime and manga are not great. But the same holds for the above. So please- don't be a hypocrite when the things you like are most definitely NOT better than what other people watch. Or read. Everyone has their opinions.

The truth hurts. But if it's not true, don't say it if it's not kind either. We don't need more trolls. It's misleading and immoral. Now who's being immoral?

The Contenders
11 Bad Morals

I can't reply to certain comments on this, so I'm just going to type this instead. Last Airbender and Teen Titans are not anime. They have to be from Japan to be anime. It's infuriating to see that anime has spread from animation from Japan to being "about the characters."
Do you really think he's just trying to be cool by making this list? Do you really think he's trying to attack you? He's just speaking his opinion, just like you anime fans do.
Stop complaining about every reason on this list being bull. Almost every reason has things that support it, and things that go against it, just like everything else. Some anime DO have too many busty female characters. Some anime DO have bad writing and morals. Some anime DO have bad animation. Does every single one suffer from these? No. Does anime have problems. Yes. You know what else has problems? Everything. Everything has problems. Stop acting like anime is above everything else. It's not. When you act like it is, it's just showing off arrogance. And that goes both ways. Acting like cartoons or live action is better than everything else is just arrogant. Seriously, whenever people discriminate against one another for having different opinions, it's kind of disgusting. We need a compromise. We need to stop acting so different. We need to stop hating one another. I'll just stop before this gets any more preachy.

12 Anime Girls Either Have Enormous Huge Boobs or They Are Completely Flat Chested

I notice that. I don't see much for flat chests on non-short anime girls. You'd think there'd be anime girls getting breasts reductions because having boobs, especially big ones, actually sucks.

It's so unrealistic how every girl either is flat as a pancake or have these huge breasts bursting out of their shirts. It's like they think anime fans have fetishes for flat chests or huge beach-ball breasts. I find neither attractive, and most girls in real life do not look like that. Most girls have normal sized boobs, but if your an anime girl, be ready to either have a man chest, or skip around with huge bouncing breasts.

Let me tell you, I find neither attractive and both to be unrealistic. No girl naturally has boobs the size of volleyballs, it means you have fake boobs. No girl is completely flat chested like a guy, unless she actually was born a guy. I see this in every anime and they make it some big deal over being flat as a pancake or huge rack. The most attractive anime girls are the ones with normal chests.

13 Fan Service

A bit of fan service is fine, I can live with it. But in some anime, they shove it in your face in the most disgusting way possible and end up making the show unbearable to watch.

It's also really annoying that some anime treats anime girls like sex objects for fan service. It's just so forced, pointless and unrealistic.

Fan service has the power to completely shutdown my interest.

As soon as those tiddies jiggle I'm off.

This is why I cannot stand anime.

14 Too Addictive

I have to say that anime is quite addictive - I'm seriously addictive, but many things in life are addictive. Cigarettes, Alcohol, Drugs such as cocaine and crack, Flappy Bird, Piano Tiles and most games, Junk food including Fried Foods, Ice Cream, Soda and all Sweets in general. TOO many things in life are addictive. Everyday things/objects can be addictive, like magazines or video games or T.V. or anything

I'm a huge anime fan. I've watched lots of anime series, and I will admit that not all of them were the best. However, this addictive aspect is pretty accurate. Mostly, the anime series that aren't as good don't make you addicted, which basically tells you that it's not a good anime. Addiction really opens your eyes to whether the anime is good or not, because the more addicted you are, the better the anime is. But then again, sometimes people can get a little too addicted, which causes a problem.

15 No Personality

I completely agree. I feel as I watched sexualized animes, the characters have set personalities that are very damn unoriginal. Some like "Heaven's Lost Property" or "Girls Bravo" show characters with personalities that are lovable but too attractive (the directors need to stop relying on the attractiveness of women) are only built that way to keep the people watching the anime because of how sexualized they are.

More on characters with no personality, these personalities are all the damn same as I keep watching more and more of today's anime. Its as if everyone, including the directors, forgot how complex a human being actually is and just make a simple structure of an ideal personality and call it a good character; therefore, its always the same damn personalities all the damn time

I completely agree with this. Not only does anime shows repeat personalities in different characters, they also can't give them subtle emotions AT ALL. When a character is angry it makes his expression all scrunched up and some weird red thing appears on his cheeks. It dumbs down their emotions so that it is so obvious that the person is angry. If they made it half as obvious it would STILL be too obnoxiously obvious. You don't see non animated shows with people doing that, they have a slightly upset face and their voice is more aggressive sounding. you don't even see cartoons doing that!

16 Borderline Kiddy Porn

Not all anime is marketed to kids.

17 Awful Designs

It's kind of sad how people base how great the anime is on design. For example, Code Geass R2. For me, honestly, the characters looked pretty weird, but the plot was outstanding. I guess it all depends on the person's taste. Some animes have really bad looking characters, but a really good plot, and some animes have really good looking characters, but a really bad plot. Sometimes everything is bad, and sometimes everything is good. It also depends on the anime you decide to watch.

In non-realistic anime of the early 2020s, they make the tiny noses so far up away from their mouths like babies but then make the male characters in the same show have longer noses closer to their mouths like older anime and have even prettier faces than the girls that were designed to be "pretty".
It's also weird how in general for a long time the guys usually tend to have more skin color variety like peach, golden, or tan skin but the gals pinkish peach or light peach skin.

18 Female Representation

To all anime haters - I can see your point. I realize that animes can have bad details or bad plots but as an anime fan myself, I must back up myself and the rest of the anime fans - what animes have you watched? Some animes are horrible in general, everything is bad. But mostly the most favored animes, like Fairy Tale and Black Butler, THOSE, in my opinion, were fantastic. To all of the people who dislike anime but have actually watched one or two, maybe even a popular one thanks. You guys actually have tried out different animes and experienced different things, and you found out that anime just isn't your cup of tea. But there are some anime haters out there who have only watched half of an anime that is twelve episodes and decided they hate anime from the six episodes they have watched. Please, if you're going to hate on anime, have enough knowledge about it and watch enough of it to actually say "I've watched a few and I didn't like it." Everyone has different taste. Who knows, maybe even you'll watch another anime because you know that you really only have watched like six episodes and you'll change your opinion and become an anime fan.

19 Confusing edgy with dark, deep or even scary

What he's saying is that Anime confuses the edgy character with the dark one.

Hmm...this is the only reason I like anime, Dark. But not a fan of it.

So? I kinda like dark shows.

20 Cat Girls

I AGREE, satan and Buddha, I cannot stand nekos.

So annoying, purring, licking their hands, rubbing against people, their hands in a paw position, they just look and sound so stupid. The "Nya" thing, I wish someone makes a horror anime, where the neko gets her head chopped off.

That's how irritating they are. If they would act like normal people with cat traits, like Catwoman, black cat, or even that side character from Escaflowne. Fine, not too shabby, but "Cat plant girls" or whatever that was, and EVERY other ecchi neko fanservice cancer prone character, Die.

Because it's just one of those popular things, that I can't comprehend as to how and why it's popular. People are sick, to equate an animal sexually appealing by turning it into a sex objectified female, with no brain, or personality.


You like it? Don't like it? Grow a pair and leave it alone if you hate it. If you hate every thing on here, get away from it and stop complaining. Plus no one can tell me the newer cartoons are better. The old ones like invader simply were good. First few seasons of sponge Bob? Good. Teen titans? Good. Teen titans go? Make me wanna blow my brains out all over the T.V.. I can agree most cartoons and anime are bad. Some people don't have nacks for it. Plus it can go bad after a while too. (Sponge Bob, fairly odd parents.) Although the earlier 2000's and 1980-1990's had GREAT SHOWS. The 2010's brought bell in a T.V. for me. Although adventure time and shows like that are good. Sanjay and Craig and peanut and... whatever's shows suck.

21 Overprotective Fan Behaviour

Anime porn? Seriously? That's where this is going? As an anime fan I can guarantee you that not every anime has things like that. Other animes are more kinky than others, I get it, and I understand that SOME fans are overprotective. I may be overprotective, but I don't know. I won't call anime haters jerks or that their stupid or whatever, because maybe they just aren't attracted to it. But to the anime haters, if you decide to criticize anime fans, then anime fans will criticize you. Before you start calling us overprotective (but some of us are, maybe I am as well) you need to stop making fun of the people who like anime. We all have different taste. What goes around comes around

There's literally one list against anime on this entire website, and the anime lovers are coming to bash us because of our opinions. They have never held back on overly criticizing actually good shows, and we've never stopped them, but the moment anybody says anything remotely discouraging about anime, they will excessively guilt-trip and bash us with the stupidest reasons ever. Go get a life and let people have opinions, to fangirls and fanboys of anime everywhere.

22 Female Tropes

Yes! Yes! Thank you! Hallelujah! I absolutely hate the tropes anime has for females. They're all one-sided and show stupidity is great. For example, Sailor Moon (This is a popular anime that inspired others).

The main character, Serena/Usagi(I'll say Usagi because the dub downplayed her stupidity) is kind of dumb. Not kind of, but really dumb. Like getting 30 out of a 100 kind of dumb. The lancer, Rei is more serious yet classy, but later, she changes into a ditz. Makoto is a team mom who also scares others because of her tough exterior, Ami is a cute (supposed to be) nerd. And Minako is a broken bird, who, becomes another Usagi.

You notice how these are just ditzy girls, who are also action girls? The Outer Senshi are the opposite; serious, and dutiful.

But the ditziness is glorified. Power of love, glorified. At the end of the day, you got 5 ditzy girls, a racer chick (Haruka), a flirty chick (Michiru), a big sister (Setsuna), the quiet, aloof kid one who has a ...more

23 Naked Girls

The over sexualisation of female characters just really bothers me. Not because I'm a prude who thinks all women should be covered up, no no no! It's the fact that anime females are drawn/designed in a way to have the characteristics of a YOUNG girl. Like way too young to be sexualised and it really freaks me out. Even if the story line involves a character that is 30 years old, she still seems to talk like a young girl and make baby-ish noises. What's up with that? It makes me more than uncomfortable and I'm seeing more and more anime lovers and it honestly gets under my skin. Don't get me wrong, if you like something then I'm not the one to tell you to stop but just the over sexualisation of young or young behaving characters seems disgusting to me.

24 Too Many Anime Shows

There is a HUGE variety of animes, and I'll admit that a lot of animes repeat. But the thing is, people want to make money. When it comes down to it, when you're in Japan and in an animating business, you got to make money somehow, and since there are so many animes out there, sometimes anime needs to slightly repeat. Also, think about it this way the more animes there are, the more of a variety there is. People that are just being introduced to anime have a huge variety of animes to choose from and some are trash compared to others. I agree with the one person who was saying the thing about marvel as well there are a LOT of marvel comics and a lot of marvel movies and cartoons and things like that. It's like anime haters are angry because there are too many animes and the anime fans are angry because there are too many comics and such as well. There's too much of everything!

The market is completely over saturated and innovation is being stunted as a result, many share the same ideas because it's a proven formula and anything original is a risk and therefore hard to get money to back it.
This isn't the only industry that shares this problem (arguably all western forms of media has been like this for decades) but is a problem beginning to plague anime more every year.

25 Fanboys and bandwagons
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