Top Ten Reasons Why It's Annoying When People Don't Comment On Your Lists

The Top Ten
1 You've Worked Hard

People always comment on my sister's list, and my list gets, like, 1 comment a day. I put time & effort into my list. Wait, I do get comments, mean ones.

I work hard thinking of what I should put in my list for 30 mins and it takes a week for me to get 1 comment on my list

It takes a lot of research and all to make these list

I don't get annoyed at all

2 Your List Could Be Very Interesting But No One Would Ever See

When no one comments it never goes on the Message Board, meaning the title never shows up, meaning your list is lame and unpopular.

None of my lists make it to be popular very much.

3 You Feel Like People Only Look At Popular TopTenners' Lists

There is this list that almost 1 million people had notice and it takes a month for 5 to 10 people to notice mine

Sometimes I feel like that.

I always feel like this.

4 Someone Might Make a Rip-off of Your List and it Gets Popular, But Since No One Saw Your List First You are Accused of Copying

This has never happened to me but I hope it won't.

It's happened to me several times before.

Sometimes it gets merged

No. My lists get merged.

5 You Feel Like Lists Have to be Random in Order for People to Look at Them

I have only made about 2 or 3 random lists, but those weren't for this reason. I made them because I was in the mood to, but I feel like this list item sometimes.

6 You do Good by Commenting on Comment-less Lists, but No One Comments on Yours

That is so true!

7 You Used a Popular List Subject and it Never Gets Recognized Once

I, and maybe some other users have had this problem. But since everyone makes, likes, and only focuses on music lists, then there's no chance of your list being found.

8 Your List Has No Signs of Life, so Trolls Will Infest It and Nobody Will Be There to Defend It
9 You Become a Needy Social Climber Endlessly Searching for the Approval of Popular TopTenners
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