Top 10 Best Heist and Robbery Locations in Roblox Jailbreak
It's speculated that on June 1st of 2019, the new expansion update for the roblox game Jailbreak will be released. It's going to be the biggest update to the game ever, adding 25% more land. It's speculated a new heist location will be added as well, you know, places you rob as a criminal. So why not count down the best heist locations on the game? With that being said, here's the list.
This is, without a doubt, the most challenging place to rob in the game. It was the second place you could rob to be added in the game, just a few months after the game's release. Now, yeah, just like with the bank, each time you rob this place, you will go through different sections, but you can't deny that overall, they are all pretty hard. There are twelve different sections, but unlike the bank, this is a high building and contains three floors, so basically it's like "four" sections. I don't really have a favorite of them like with the bank though.
As I said, this is the hardest place to rob. The classic "section-pack" is definitely a hard one, and this is coming from someone who's good at robbing the jewelry store otherwise. The third floor with that infuriating labyrinth usually means my luck or my money is usually what causes me to lose. However, the difficulty is what I really love about this one. It makes it pretty rewarding and satisfying to rob this place, and you do get 2000 cash, which is pretty nice. Unlike the bank, when you've escaped the building with all the money, you must get to the volcano criminal base to sell all the goods you stole. You get your money, and the same goes for the museum and passenger train.
A good thing is that you don't require a keycard to rob this place, so it's pretty easy to come and rob here. Just make sure to come when it's open, otherwise you'll have to wait.
Police can't enter the building. However, they can camp outside the exits on the roof of the jewelry store. This is pretty effective to get money, and I always do this as a police officer whenever I see someone robbing. Seeing salty reactions from criminals is the best. Plus, getting cash is nice. The music in this robbery place isn't as good as the bank, but it's pretty awesome as well. It's got this theme of putting you under pressure, as you don't want to wait for too long or the police might make it to the exit and arrest you as soon as... more

The Museum is my third favorite place to rob in the game. I remember when it was the most popular place to rob, but now it doesn't attract as many criminals for some reason. This is strange considering it is one of the easiest and most rewarding places to rob, offering 4000 cash for a relatively easy heist. It requires two people to rob, as you need two criminals to explode the roof.
What puts this under the bank, despite its unique and attractive design, is how easy it is. There are loads of items you can grab everywhere, and you can carry 5 KG of stuff. If you just grab bones and other easy-to-find items, it's not difficult at all. If there are no bones, you can take the riskier routes to get paintings, which adds more difficulty.
Despite its simplicity, I still love this place because it's a lot of fun. The music is chill yet exciting, which I really love. There are two exits here, and interestingly, this place requires two people to escape. There are rooms with puzzles that must be solved. Once solved, you reach a new room with a lever. Both levers must be pulled simultaneously to escape. When you've done this, you must get to the criminal base at the volcano near the town to complete the robbery and get your 4000 cash. This is very rewarding, making it my second favorite place to rob.

The bank is my favorite robbery. It's the one that has been in the game since the very start, and it still holds up to this day as the best place to rob in Roblox Jailbreak. It's a bit simple, yes, but it's just so great. The bank music is the best heist soundtrack in the game in my opinion. It holds such a special place in my heart and gets me nostalgic just by listening to it.
One of the most notable features of the bank is that every time you start a heist here, you will always rob different sections, and it's random which one you rob. This is a pretty recent addition, along with the music, as before just some months ago, there was only one section here and no music.
There are a total of five different sections in this bank. My favorites are probably "The Mint" and "Classic: Remastered." The Mint one is the most recent and gives you a lot of money for robbing, specifically 2500 cash. I like the mint green walls and the glass walls through which you can see cash machines. That's pretty nice. The Classic: Remastered is based on the original section before the others came. While it's the least rewarding, it's nice as well. Although not a favorite, "Financing: Underwater" is pretty fun too. It's definitely the easiest one, and I love just swimming to the vault. It's generally rewarding as well since you get 2000 cash.
Another thing I like about it is that even after you've gotten all the money from the vault, you are recommended to go through a secret exit. These secret exits are fun parkour sections, and each section has its own "escape section." Very fun.
Overall, I'd say this is the second hardest place to rob in the game. It has a few obstacles here and there, but this is one of those places where the police can enter the building and ruin everything for you. Just by walking into the vault, they can bust the robbery. Or they can arrest you when you're not in it or shoot you down. But that adds to the excitement of this place as well... more

Among the most recently added locations, the Power Plant was introduced in June 2019. In my opinion, it's one of the most original and fun robberies in the entire game. Initially, it was just a generic building added in the expansion update and served no purpose. A week later, it was transformed into a power plant robbery.
In this location, you steal green uranium. To enter the power plant, you must hack an electricity box at the back and solve a "connect-the-colors" puzzle. If you succeed, a backdoor opens, allowing you inside. Inside, there are conveyor belts and lasers you must jump over or duck. It may be hard for new players, but if you're experienced, this is very easy, though a bit short.
After successfully dodging the lasers, you go up a stair and avoid more lasers until you reach another electric box with a more difficult "connect-the-colors" puzzle. Once that's done, you've got your uranium, worth 6500 cash. However, you must quickly deliver it to the volcano base because the uranium loses 50 cash value every second. This makes it an exciting and interesting robbery, unlike anything we've seen before.
In fact, it might be one of my favorite robberies in the game, although I still think the bank is slightly better. The location currently has no heist music, but I think it will be added in the future. The biggest problem with this robbery is a glitch that ruins a lot of it. If you deliver the uranium too fast, meaning if the value is over 5600 cash, a bug prevents you from receiving your cash, and it all disappears. That's unfortunate. So, it's not the best robbery, but still, this is an amazingly unique robbery location. The whole concept is super creative and really elevates this location on my list. With the highest obtainable cash at 5600, that's a lot! It's also good how it opens relatively quickly, so you can farm a lot of cash here.

This is the newest train heist added to the game, being added as recently as February 2019. While being the newest, it's also one of the most criticized ones, rightfully. However, let's look at the pros first. As a guy who almost always plays as a police in Jailbreak, your job is mostly just to stop robberies and heists.
Funny enough, the passenger train is the only heist that police can technically "rob" as well. Technically, you deliver items found in the train to receive lots of cash, and there are a lot of them. You can take all the stuff you want as a police officer. This makes it very awesome for me as I can just farm cash without even trying at all whenever I go here, which makes me personally enjoy this one a bit more than the cargo train.
However, the pros end there. This heist location is definitely very unbalanced. As I said above, police can farm lots of cash on this heist, but what about the criminals? The ones that are supposed to rob the train? Well, they can only pick up a maximum of 1500 cash, which isn't even a tenth of the entire loot found on the train. So, police can get like, I don't know, 4000 cash, but criminals not even half of that? Not balanced. Police already have it super easy to get money in the game, so why make it even more unbalanced?
On top of that, since police can be here, they can arrest criminals who may not even be aware a police officer is on the train. The train follows the same rail as the cargo train but reversed. It starts at the gas station and ends at the train station in the desert. There are getaway vehicles, but they cost a crazy amount of cash. The gas station has a pickup truck that costs only a few thousand. The desert buggy costs a lot more. So criminals, when they have risked their career trying to rob the train, must now get to the criminal base to get their money, hoping not to meet a police officer who will arrest them, as this is one of those heists where you grab stuff that you later... more

The Cargo Train is one of the two trains you can rob in the game, the other being the passenger train. Personally, I enjoy the passenger train more, but from an objective perspective, I think the cargo train is better. This train was added in the winter update of 2018. It follows rails around the map, and you find a red boxcar, open the hatch, explode the vault, get in, and wait until you have all the money.
It's like a bank on wheels because, like the bank, you wait inside the vault until you have the money, then escape to complete the robbery. However, it's a bit easier as there are no obstacles in getting into the vault, unless you count getting run over by the train, which definitely isn't an obstacle.
The train follows a specific rail that ends at a train station located just a few meters across from the "Gas Station," another place you can rob. So, if you rob this train, you can wait until the end of the track to rob another place. That's why the cargo train is high on my list. Police don't usually camp on trains, so they're pretty safe. The cargo train is my third favorite place to rob.

Pretty much the same as the donut shop, except you don't receive anything upon entering it. It looks a lot better than the donut shop, though, as it's more colorful, and the isolated location makes it pretty comfortable somehow.
The pick-up truck spawns here as well, which is a cheap but fast vehicle. This is where the passenger train spawns, making it a good place to wait until it comes. The gas station is also relatively close to the town and fire station, unlike the donut shop, which is another plus. It's not as good for camping as a cop, though, as people tend to rob the donut store more often. This leaves the gas station at #9, but it's still decent.

This is the newest heist added to the game as of December 7, 2019, and it might actually be the best heist in the game. It's the first aerial robbery and will randomly be generated at the Airport and land on the runway. When it has landed, a hatch at the back of the plane will open up. When you've entered it, it will, after a while, start to fly into the sky. You must get a crate and then exit the plane before it flies out of bounds.
This heist is just so fun. It's incredibly rewarding, and just the feeling of waiting for the plane is fun. But the robbing procedure itself is just so exciting. When your friends are playing with you and you're all taking a crate with that awesome music in the background... great robbery.
It's the best of the moving heists, but it's still only in the top five because there's no challenge to it at all. You just get onto the plane, grab a box, and leave. I wish there was some added challenge, like maybe a laser obstacle at the beginning. Other than that, it is great.

The Donut Shop and Gas Station are the two "beginner locations" to rob. You can't really start a heist here. You just hold a button, get your cash, and escape. They're two small stores really only used for quick robberies and for beginners to Jailbreak who need cash. Because of this, they are relatively low on the list. However, they are still good for simple robberies. I mean, 750 cash is pretty good for such simple robberies.
The Donut Shop and Gas Station are very similar, but the Donut Shop is white and located in the town, while the Gas Station is green and located at the end of the cargo train's railway near the fire station. The Donut Shop ranks higher than the Gas Station because every time you enter, you get a free donut regardless of which team you are part of. The donuts can be used for healing, which is good for heists, making the Donut Shop the perfect place to start robbing after you've left the prison.

So far, this one is challenging and the best because it gives you insane cash! But the thing is, you need three people to open the entrance, and the obstacles deal a high amount of damage!
This is one of my favorite robberies. At first, you die constantly in the parkour, but once you get good at it, it is an easy robbery with a huge payout, even with the lowest bag.
Man, I like the tomb so much, but the thing is the jewels will not spawn back when everyone has already gotten them. It's a shame that I don't have one for myself anymore. Other players will bully me when I've got nothing, and there is a girl player that glitches through gates. It's so unfair! Please, Jailbreak, fix the spawning back of jewels when I don't have one for myself.

Newest heist as of June 6, 2020. My, my, my, is it quite low-quality, isn't it? Well, it's a bit original, but that doesn't mean it's good.
All you do is get a helicopter, get to the cargo ship in the middle of the ocean while avoiding missiles that shoot at you every second, get a box from the ship, which is hard when there are missiles and the ship moves super fast, and then you put it in the criminal base.
Good lord, is this boring and uninteresting. All of this for a lousy 2000 cash. Sure, it can be robbed twice an appearance, but that doesn't excuse how terribly designed it is. Worst robbery in the game.