Top Ten Roblox Squid Game Minigames (Trendsetter Games)

The Top Ten
1 Glass Bridge
2 Stick Tag

Stick Tag is the newest minigame added to Squid Game, and it's actually one that's not even in the original series. Instead, it's inspired by a minigame from another Roblox Squid Game called Crab Game. Personally, this was one of my favorite games to play as a kid in real life.

It's simple. A selected number of people are taggers, and they need to transfer their tagger-thing to someone else because whoever is the tagger by the end of the game dies. The layout is basically a climbing frame in the style of the Squid Game corridors. Honestly, what makes this one so much better than the ones we just talked about is the fact that it's not too easy nor too game-breakingly difficult. The setting is interesting to navigate as there are so many different sets to be on. You have towers to climb, stairs nailed to walls, and so on. It's a much more interesting idea than a lot of the minigames, and it works because you don't have an AI that sets the difficulty. In this game, it's all in the player's hands, and so each game feels different.

The only problem I can find with it is that it ends too quickly. It's so fun that you want it to go on for a longer time. That's the only reason it's not in the top 2 because it's really great otherwise.

3 Sugar Honeycomb

Sugar Honeycomb suffers from a lot of the same problems that Red Light Green Light does. *Sigh*, is it just me, or are a lot of these games in Season 1 really flawed? Sugar Honeycomb, like that game, is a bit too easy. You'll be chosen to cut the lines of four randomly picked cookies, and if it cracks completely, you'll die. However, the game is very generous with this. Even if you slide the needle out of the line five times, you still won't die because the game is very generous with how many times you're allowed to crack the cookie. Heck, it's so easy that you can just speed through the entire shape, even if it's an umbrella. That's how generous and easy it is. Honestly, way too easy.

I don't mind you getting a few more chances before it cracks completely, but as of now, it's way too generous. You should get two chances, three at the maximum. Otherwise, it's your fault that you aren't playing carefully enough. I put this minigame above the other ones because at least it's kind of fun to just speed through the entire thing, and I feel like this one requires less work to fix. But it's still kind of boring.

4 Squid Game

In 6th place, we have the titular 6th game, Squid Game. This game is pretty straightforward. The last person standing is the winner, and to be that one, you have to kill everyone else with your baseball bat. It is similar to Lights Out, except you can't just slack around, and the arena is a lot smaller.

For that reason, it's better because it's a lot more dynamic. However, it also has many of the same problems that Lights Out has. The battling system is just not very refined. Even if you hit your opponent, they might not take a lot of damage, or if you're lucky, they might die in one go. The inconsistency is very unwarranted, and in the end, it just leads to luck deciding who to favor.

It's definitely not to the same extent as in Marbles, but still. It's much better than the two games before it because at least you're in control, and it doesn't drag on for no reason, but it still could've been a lot better.

5 Tug of War
6 Red Light, Green Light

Red Light Green Light is the first game you play in Roblox Squid Game, and it's pretty eh, if I do say so myself. We all know the concept of this one. Walk to the end of a huge track without being spotted by the massive doll. You walk on green light and stop on red light. And that's it.

The concept alone is pretty simple, so you need to spice it up a little to make it interesting. However, Red Light Green Light is about as basic as it can get. Walk when it says green, stop when it says red. You can only walk, and your character immediately stops when you let go of the forward button. There's no difficulty or strategy. It's just a brutally long waiting game. The only people who really die are the ones who have way too much adrenaline or a laggy computer. Even then, you can still walk for a good one second after it's red light, so even if you mess up, the game is still nice to you. It's so easy and so boring.

If there was a way to maybe run, and the faster you run, the slower it is to stop, there could've been more strategy. Heck, maybe even use the English variant of Red Light Green Light, where it's not as obvious when the best time to stop is. That way, this game could've been really good, but as it stands now, it's pretty eh.

7 Flood Escape
8 Lights Out

Lights Out happens after every second minigame and serves as a kind of intermission minigame. It's not a real minigame like the rest of the ones here, but I wanted to talk about it nevertheless, as I feel like it's certainly flawed.

As we know, in the original Squid Game, the Lights Out sequence happened as a way to lower the player count between games so that the competition would be far lower. In Roblox Squid Game, Lights Out has the same function, although it has a lot of problems. The most obvious flaw is the battling system, which makes it completely luck-based whether you get to actually hit somebody. We'll talk more about this in the next item on the list.

Regarding things exclusive to this minigame, it's just way too long. It's really just 120 seconds of waiting because the battle system doesn't work, and everyone is just hiding and waiting it out. You don't play this once, not twice, but thrice in an entire game. It's just way too overdrawn and not very functional. The main thing I'd like to see is a way to skip this scene. Maybe we could implement a voting system where if the majority votes yes, you can skip the Lights Out sequence. Or better yet, if there are fewer than five people, Lights Out could be cut completely, similarly to what Hexa Game did. It would shorten the games tremendously for good reasons because no one wants to just wait until they can actually play again.

You could also improve the battling system, which we'll talk more about soon, but the voting aspect is what I'd like to see the most. Overall, the Lights Out minigame isn't awful, but it's certainly flawed.

9 Marbles

Coming in last place is obviously Marbles. How else could this game not be the worst? Out of all the games, Marbles is the only one that's fundamentally bad, and it's no surprise why. In the original Squid Game, Marbles was by far the most ambiguous game. You were grouped in pairs and had to get all of your opponent's marbles to win. How you'd get them was completely up to the players, unless it was through violence. Some people played Odd vs. Even, while others tried to toss them as far as they could. I can definitely see the difficulty in implementing this, as it's so ambiguous, but the implementation we got was the worst thing we could imagine.

You have seven marbles, and the game will wager a certain number of marbles, even or odd. If you guess correctly, you gain one marble. If you don't, you lose two. There are so many problems with this. For starters, it's just a game of luck. They took the more RNG-based marble game, removed the team aspect of it, and called it a day. It's absolutely horrendous because you have nothing to rely on other than luck. All the other games that came before were based on skill, and then right before the final Squid Game, you have to play a game that's completely dependent on RNG. You might've been really good at the other games but still lose because the game decided to be unfair to you.

It's sad because there are so many ways Marbles could've been a great game. Instead of just playing solo against the computer, you should be able to group yourself with somebody and play Odd vs. Even. I wouldn't mind if they added the toss game as well, but if they just added the team aspect, it could've been so much better. Mind games are much better than pure RNG. Marbles is the only game that's actually downright awful.

10 Fish Game
The Contenders
11 Shark Game
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