Top 10 Strangest Websites of All Time
The internet has been around for a really long time now. Over the years, it has gotten bigger and bigger. It's a place of not only communication, but also expression and creativity. Though, it can get pretty bizarre at times. Of course it would. With people being able to express themselves and considering how long the internet has been around for, of course there's going to be weird things around, and they can be a bit more obscure than many websites. But if you're looking for them you will definitely find them. I'm absolutely one of those people who look for weird stuff for fun and I want to share some of my discoveries with this list. These are the Top 10 strangest websites of all time. Vote for the ones you find to be the strangest of them all. However, please don't add NSFW sites. Thank you.It's exactly what it sounds like. This is a real website. I wish I were kidding. It's just gross and weird. There's not much else to say about it, honestly. Who the hell thought of this?
I think I saw a subreddit similar to this website before. It was super weird and disgusting.
Yes, it is incredibly gross and disgusting, but I think that this site qualifies as an NSFW site.
This is absolutely ridiculous. When you go on it, you will see one image with a bunch of men in Sailor Moon and King Kong costumes, along with part of a woman's face holding a microphone. There are some other people too. The image has an anime aesthetic, and at the top, it says, "Because Washington is Hollywood for ugly people." Yeah, this site is really stupid.
To be real, this picture is "so bad, it's hilarious."
This website shows you images of people who don't exist. Yeah, I know, really unexpected. It's not like pictures of random cartoon characters, but pictures of real people who aren't actually real, if that makes sense. A new image shows up every time you refresh the page. It's truly bizarre to me, but at the same time, it's kind of cool. In the corner of the page, you can find out how it works if you want to.
This website was created by Dr. Gene Ray. It contains insane statements like the Earth having four days in each rotation and four corners. It's ridiculous, and it's no surprise that it has been parodied a lot.
This is a pretty colorful website that says you can do anything on it and plays music when you click on the volume button. Even though there's practically nothing you can do on it, it's pretty useless. Why does the guy say It's a million times? Anyway, this is supposed to be a satirical website that makes fun of Flash intro pages. It just keeps on loading forever.
I remember going to this website back in elementary school.
This website argues that we are all living in a simulation (like the Matrix) and presents some other ideas. It's a strange idea that I've heard of before, but I've never heard the arguments about it. I'm personally neutral on this idea and can't prove it true or false, but it's still an interesting one.
You see a man's face and are asked a single question upon opening this website: Ever dream this man? Apparently, hundreds of people dream about his face every night. You can read about the history, the dreams, and theories about the man. There are other links too for stuff like portraits, news, and other things. Now, this is probably a hoax, but it's still creepy.
Cleverbot is a website that I used to visit a long time ago for fun. It's a website where you speak to a bot that can start and continue conversations. Some of them are normal, but others are creepy. One time, the bot asked a user how old they were and said that they were right behind them. I wonder if they got any sleep that night. Sometimes, though, it just sends lyrics of Green Day songs for no reason.
This website contains flashing lights, so do not go on it if you are prone to seizures. The website features a worm that moves when you move your mouse. If you move your mouse just a little bit, not much happens. However, if you shake it vigorously, you will be met with flashing lights. This website is pointless but has startled a lot of people the first time they saw it.
You're actually right. It really startled me when I moved the snake too hard. Why did they make it so insane and extreme to scare people?
The Newcomers

This website contains a phone number on a spinning black pyramid. There are some links to social media when you scroll down, but the most interesting parts of the website are the hotline messages. They are pretty weird. For example, in one of the messages, you can hear a teenager rapping, and well, it could be better. Another one has someone reciting lines from what I think are poems.