Top Ten School Subjects You Would Skip

The Top Ten
1 Math

Math is a fundamentally important skill required for most all middle/high paying jobs. But then swoops common core and BAM kids hate it.

You, sir, are a deadbeat.

2 Art

Art is not a bad subject, don't skip it just because you're not good at it. Practice and you'll get better. Your artwork doesn't have to be perfect.

I really like art, but is got boring after my teacher started forcing me to draw stuff in a style I don't like -_-.

My art teacher tells me to paint really hard thing an I fail
Me: why did it have to be LONDON!
Teacher: just paint it
teacher: well it's art
Friend: man London is really hard

3 Algebra

This is necessary for having an adult life.

I would absolutely skip this if I could.

I actually like art.

4 P.E.

I'm definitely skipping PE on the day my gym teacher makes the class do the FitnessGram pacer test. I just hope it doesn't really count for sophomores at my school like it does with the freshmen.

It's pointless. I ditched it quite a few times and never missed anything, plus it saved me a few trips to the nurse's office with bruises all over my knees.

Who the fock cares about people running in circles people care about running in circles?

5 Science
6 History

Seriously I don't care about dead people nothing relevant with my life. EVER! Why can't we just move on? I know that it's important to learn history to not make mistakes but how exactly am I not gonna make them I don't even care about politics and war and the economy.

7 Band

I'm in band, but I have to agree with this. Band on an exam day is just too much for me.

I wouldn't skip band I love playing my trumpet to much.

8 Irish

I already know French, English, Arabic, Swahili, and some Spanish, when is Irish ever gonna come in handy?

Would if I could

9 Spanish
10 Wellness
The Contenders
11 Sex Ed

I would of skipped this class in grade 10 if I could then I wouldn't of had to do it

12 English

I wish I could just skip analyzing symbolisms and writing octillion word essays. I just never understand why teachers want us to interpret the meaning of poems, yet we get incorrect responses even though it's purely subjective. Ew English go away

I'm skipping my English class today, 2/3/2022 because I don't want to be lectured about running out of class and because I feel like doing it. The last time I skipped class was on Friday, 1/31/2020 when I was in 8th grade.

13 Wood Cutting
14 French
15 Social Studies

Ugh the most boring subject ever...

16 Geometry

Geometry is the single most pointless class I've taken so far.

17 Reading
18 Music

I honestly don't get the point of this subject. :/

19 Chinese
20 Italian
21 Calculus
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