Top Ten Subjects You are Required to Take in High School in the U.S.

These don't have anything to do with AP courses or hardest courses or anything like that, these are courses you need just to pass high school. Does not include most electives, although some curriculums require you to have at least two. Also this has nothing to do with how you like or hate a subject or if you actually need it (there are plenty of jobs that DON'T NEED these subjects).
The Top Ten
1 English

Well obviously this is a requirement in every English-speaking school, especially America.

2 Government

Need this one just to get through senior year.

3 US History

Well it's obviously for US only but this is required to get through junior year in the US.

4 Geometry
5 Algebra
6 World History
7 Biology
8 Chemistry
9 Physical Education

Required for those in 9th or 10th grade, after that it is an elective.

10 Driver's Ed

Yeah, this one's required, pretty strangely.

The Contenders
11 Business
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