Friendly Joking Insults for TheTopTens Community

The Top Ten
1 Go back to, noob.

I secretly go there sometimes...

2 I'm gonna make a top 10 list of your worst top 10 lists.

I think I might do this for myself.

3 You're the idiot who mentions BritGirl just for the sake of mentioning BritGirl.

This would be a good insult.

4 I've seen your lists. You need to learn how to count.

Why, because I have more than you?
Just kidding, I probably have 1 list compared to you.

5 Buzzfeed makes better lists than you.

I don't want to talk about this.

6 Your comments are about as interesting as our choices in profile pictures.

Says the guy without a profile pic.

7 You will never be like Pug. You are a chihuahua.

The dog that I most identify with is the King Charles Spaniel. Lively and crazy, with a keen mind and a heart of gold. To call me a pug, though I like pugs, is insulting.

Unless you like chihuahuas. Because in that case, carry on.

More specifically, a stoned Chihuahua.

For the love of God, don't be like Pug!

8 You never finish the lists you start!
9 You are so lame, like a Lemon

Lemons are an underrated fruit, but not as understated as the gooseberry.

10 You are the PositronWildhawk Bit$h!
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