Top Ten Reasons Hypersensitivity is a Plague to TheTopTens

That’s right, I’m back. And what better way to mark my return with this list, which has been a long time coming.

Note: this list isn’t an attack on any user in particular. It’s addressing the community as a whole.
The Top Ten
1 It ruins the site

Good for you hypersensitivity isn't a thing on the site anymore. Now this list is good but very irrelevant to this situation

This list is going straight into my favorites section

Same thing as the title, buddy! (Still a good list)

2 It results in undeserving suspensions

I find it kind of ironic that certain rustlers put NBLP4Eva on a pedestal despite the fact he reported users that criticized him and got them suspended. Weren't these guys against this kind of stuff? - isaaonrtdmtr

I Almost Gotten An Undeserved Suspension For Calling Out on Gamecubesarecool for Making Rude Comments to N64Dude and MonthyPython. It's a Shame.

Also partly admin but these people probably toy the situation

Well that depends on what you consider to be "undeserving"

3 It brings about negative changes

Remember when elimination games and dishonorable mentions on user ranking lists were still in existence? Those were the good days. It’s too bad that some people couldn't handle them

4 It gets posts and lists deleted

That is, if it's violating the terms of use. Of course hypersensitive people can make this problem a lot bigger, but sometimes posts and lists get deleted simply because they were violating the terms of use in the first place. Hypersensitive people aren't the full cause of why some things get deleted

5 It is defended by admin

Admin is not that biased. There was actually once a former hypersensitive user that did recieve three suspensions

I wish admin would realize that oversensitive people are bad but he doesn't.

Gosh we need a new admin.

6 It results in retirements
7 It harms creativity

Letting those who throw a fit over something have power over what gets removed or not kills all things creative, not just on TTT but in general. It sets a dangerous precedent that anything a person doesn't like can be removed if they scream loud enough, at which point there will be nothing to make with the fear of getting taken down looming over content creators' heads.

This is true for society as a whole. Somebody's somehow going to get offended over a new word being made as a synonym for "hello."

True.Hypersensitive people throw a hissy fit over anything they don't like and they think it's "bullying" or "inappropriate"

8 It does nothing to prepare said hypersensitive users for the outside world

Yep pretty true.

9 It causes arguments
10 It brings down the mood of the entire TheTopTens community
The Contenders
11 It tries to bring down rustling

And it ends in the rustlers taking W's as usual.Maybe the anti rustlers would have a chance if they didn't consist of crybabies who act like they haven't hit puberty.

12 Rustlers constantly whine about them

And for a good reason.

13 It turns them to cyberbullies

There's This User Who Acted All Hypersensitive About my Worst Logos List Because His Favorite Logo (The 2009 Nickelodeon Logo) was In it! And What was his Reaction? By Calling my List Stupid! and Straight out Trying to Troll Me as Well!

If It's One Thing That Hypersensitive People need to Learn, Then Its to Respect Opinions.

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