Top Ten Things to Do If Your Life Was Like Grand Theft Auto

Yeah that's would be cool huh! Never die, never getting older! Respawn in a hospital! But That can be a bit dangerous
The Top Ten
1 Disguising as a GTA Character That You Like
2 Sleeping with every women of your choice

That's the best part?

3 Meet Chuck Norris

We can also meet him without a grand theft auto life!?

4 Crossing Area 51
5 Going In A GTA City Based In Real Life (Liberty City New York, Los Santos Los Angeles, etc.)
6 Killing Your Enemies

Yesss. This could be useful for those annoying jerk-offs in school.

7 Robbing a Bank
8 Stealing Cars
9 Steal Games at Gamestop

This would be a dream!

10 Fall from the Burj Khalifa
The Contenders
11 Eat Candy and Throw It On the Ground

Wait I do that all the time

12 Die and go to the hospital and pay the treatment for free
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