Top Ten Ways Grand Theft Auto is Better Than 5 Nights at Freddy's

The Top Ten
1 Grand Theft Auto is more diverse

They both suck. End of story.

2 Grand Theft Auto has better graphics
3 Grand Theft Auto has many different missions while Five Nights At Freddy's has only 1 purpose
4 Grand Theft Auto is more creative
5 FNAF gets very boring sometimes while GTA never gets old
6 No obnoxious jumpscares in GTA
7 Grand Theft Auto has cool vehicles to drive while Five Nights at Freddy's doesn't
8 Grand Theft Auto lets you move around while Five Nights at Freddy's doesn't
9 Five Nights at Freddy's is too easy while Grand Theft Auto V has difficult challenges once in a while
10 GTA doesn't have stupid anime fanart

Chica with Boobie disgusts me. I'll pass.

The Contenders
11 FNAF is just a waiting simulator with horror elements while GTA is an actual open world game
12 Better music in Grand Theft Auto
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