Top 10 Best Axe Sprays

I haven't tried many, but this is the greatest. Of course, the music is good too. All the other fragrances smell similar, but the music doesn't. Essence is my favorite, and everyone else's as well.
It's like a more citric version of Lacoste Essential. Remove any hint of musk from Essential, and you have this citric 'Essence' from AXE. I wear it before every sweaty cardio workout, and it masks EVERYTHING while keeping you fresh.
Every girl who smells me tells me I smell like heaven when I have Essence on. The best cologne to compare this to is Platinum Egoiste for Men by Chanel. This has a strong, fresh scent that will keep the ladies coming.

The first time I smelled it in the hallway, I stopped and started smelling people. It was awkward for the first three people, but then I found the man wearing it. We later started dating. I absolutely love it. You can find me in the cologne section smelling this bottle when I'm bored at Walmart. It's absolutely sexy and addicting. It's a must-have.
It's not too strong but has a sweet hint of chocolate smell. It's by far my favorite AXE. They need more subtle, sweet smells. So many are way too strong.
You should definitely buy this. It's the perfect combination of fragrances and keeps you smelling great all day.

Phoenix is my favorite. Try it! It's also my girlfriend's favorite, and she can't keep her hands off me. I love that the bottle is blue and black. I hope you try it.
I love the convenience of Phoenix being easy to find, and I think I smell great with it. However, it's a bit on the aggressive side. I can smell it from Mars.
Phoenix is amazing! I've used a few of them, but Phoenix is my absolute favorite!

Hot Fever is the best of the best with its fruity taste. The fine particles that rub the skin are great. I liked it a lot. Unfortunately, they've changed the formula and now it's named AXE YOU, with the same orange color. The scent remains the same, but I miss the aluminum particles.
I've worked with metal and aluminum, and they're not as bad for the body as people say. It seems that these ingredients have been banned, and you can't even find the original product on Amazon anymore.

Kilo reminds me of some call sign in the NATO Phonetic Alphabet. I think it smells quite nice. It's not as aggressive or overwhelming as Phoenix. You can smell Phoenix from Mars.
I constantly get compliments on this scent from women, and I love the scent as well. It's by far the best one ever. People are shocked when I tell them it's AXE body spray because they think it's cologne.
Kilo is my favorite. Girls always hit me up. They need to start selling it in Target again. It's hard to find, and I hate that part. It's the best fragrance around. Try it for 30 days. I promise girls will ask you about it.

Smells superb after 5 minutes of putting it on. Besides, girls like the "fresh" scent.
I hate that this was discontinued! It's my wife's favorite one.

Many girls have told me I smell good. Some didn't tell me but had that curious smile. Some girls got literally obsessed about my smell and could not get over it. Whatever is truly causing this attraction, Apollo definitely helps - laugh out loud.
Ok, it's time to prove that this Axe Apollo is the best! The number one ultimate body spray of all body sprays! Buy this! It's very awesome!
Guys, the girls love this in my survey! Their comment is, Can I get your number? With 16 girls smelling me from behind, it's true! This has a very good smell!
Before I started using Vice, no one knew me in high school. Now, I'm the most popular.
Vice is magical. There's just something about it!
It is small but more than enough to make girls come behind you and fall in love.
By far, the best was Touch. I just got a bottle off Amazon. Phoenix is nowhere near as good as Touch, yet Phoenix is still in stores? Touch/Kilo/Dark Temptation/Clix/Excite/Fever are the best ones!
I had one can left, but my father found it and used it all. They really need to bring this one back!
Why can't I find this scent in any stores anymore?

Best of all of them, especially if you combine it with Gold Temptation in the same armpit. It has a very masculine, subtle, long-lasting, lady-charming smell.
I like this one because it has a very nice, moderate scent.
I'm a girl, and I literally just bought it today for myself. I adore the scent so much.
The Newcomers

I really like Ice Chill. It really smells good on me. It's really my favorite.

It's good for either a girl or a guy, which makes it a very good universal smell. It has a sweet smell, which is amazing, but it's neither masculine nor feminine.
I've tried them all. Excite is by far the best to me. I use the body gel and the body spray every day. I recommend it if you're trying to attract girls.
I use the whole product line for this because I love the smell - Axe Dry deodorant, body wash, and body spray. It's not overpowering like other Axe fragrances. It smells sweet and is subtle. My wife loves it.
I really like it! Give it a go, guys!

Smells great. I'd say it smells more manly than some coconut stuff.
I'm a woman, and I buy this for myself because it smells so good.
Superior for me to other Axe scents I've tried.

Pairs perfectly with Mercedes Benz Eau de Toilette, which has similarities to Dior Fahrenheit. Awesome smell!
Have it, love it. Smells like Fahrenheit.
Easily the best. The ladies love it.

Want to smell like a successful man? This is the one you want.
Want to smell distinguished and classy? This is the one you want.
Want to smell like you deserve to get laid? This is the one you want.
I think this could possibly be the fifth-best-smelling Axe cologne, in my opinion, because it is for both casual and professional use.
Gold Temptation is by far the best smelling. I always have girls asking what kind of cologne I have on.

I miss this scent. It was the first one I liked enough to try. It has a clean, really refreshing smell. If I could choose any to bring back, it would be this scent, hands down.
Why is this scent not sold anymore?

Hard to find in most countries, but definitely my favorite. Masculine but not too "aggressive."
The best Lynx out there. Axe Marine all the way!

I've been wearing this for a very long time now. It's getting hard to find and is becoming more expensive. I wish it would come back out in stores. I also wish I could find another product that smells like this before it's gone for good.
The smell is strong and rich in this one. I certainly recommend it.

This is my favorite. It's masculine, and I buy the deodorant, body wash, and body spray.
I agree that Twist was the best scent. I got compliments on it all the time. I don't like any of the others that are currently available.
The best Axe body wash scent ever. Too bad it was discontinued.
Wish they would make it again. Really liked it.

Awesome smell, the newest and the last Axe spray there will ever be.

Discover the power of subtlety.
I didn't get to try this scent much. I got it on sale one time, and it was discontinued before I finished it.
Even guys comment on the spray. It appeals to both sexes.

I can't find this anywhere anymore, but it smells so good. I still have a small daily fragrance bottle of it, but I only wear it on too-special-for-Gucci-cologne occasions.
It smells kind of like citrus candy and never fails to make a girl follow me to my next class!
Without a doubt, the most underrated fragrance! It's hard to find, so buy multiple whenever you have the chance!